Purpose: For Decision

                        REPORT TO CABINET


Date:               13 DECEMBER 2005










1.                  To provide Cabinet with an update on the project to create a new integrated health and social care organisation (the ‘Transition Project’).




2.                  This report was on the Council’s Forward Plan for the 17 January 2005, however because of the significance of the issues discussed and emerging national policy it has been brought forward.




3.         NHS organisations and the Local Authority on the Isle of Wight have a long history of working closely together.  In 2003 and 2004 formal ‘Statements of Intent’ were agreed by the Isle of Wight Council, Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Healthcare Trust.  Following the development of a joint healthcare strategy by the PCT and Healthcare Trust in 2003/04 all three organisations (the ‘partners’) along with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority (SHA) commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to undertake a review of organisational configuration.  The PwC review recommended a Care Trust which both commissions and provides services and in Autumn 2004 all three organisations supported this as the future direction.




4.                  The integration of adult social care and health services on the island is a manifesto commitment by the current administration and continues the direction of travel set out in previous organisational, corporate and service plans. 


5.                  Integration and closer working between Health and Social Care organisations is a national policy driver as evidenced by the recent Green Paper, ‘Independence, Wellbeing and Choice’, National Service Frameworks and Valuing People White Paper. It is anticipated that the forthcoming White Paper on ‘Care Outside Hospital’, due in December 2005, will reinforce further this direction.


6.                  Commissioning a Patient-led NHS”, an important national document was published via a letter from Sir Nigel Crisp, NHS Chief Executive, on 28th July 2005, and outlined a significant reorganisation of the NHS.  Much debate has taken place during August and September between the three Island partner organisations on the right organisational model for commissioning and provision in light of this national guidance.




7.                  Consultation was undertaken with the Island public as part of the local healthcare strategy (the Island response to Healthfit) in 2003/04, the starting point for the current integration agenda, which demonstrated support for an integrated health and social care organisation.


8.                  A full consultation process will be part of Care Trust application which, on current timetable, will take place in Spring 2006.




9.                  It is anticipated that the Adult Services budget applicable to Social Care provision at the time of integration will transfer to the Care Trust with the other appropriate resources such as staff and premises.  The mechanism for the transfer of funding will be through Health Act Flexibilities (an overarching ‘Section 31’ Agreement).


10.             Any budget transfer will be subject to approval and based upon advice from the Chief Finance Officer.   At this point we are not in a position to predict or quantify the level of the transferable budget.


11.             There will also need to be a clear understanding between the partners about future financial commitments, and how service levels, value for money and affordability will be dealt with over the medium to longer term.  The Transition Project Team has a Project Accountant who is leading on this work.




12.             Health Act flexibilities will be utilised through a Section 31 Agreement to enable pooling of health and social care budgets.  Work is underway through the legal services team and the transition team to ensure that this agreement will be robust and fit for purpose. 


13.             In effecting the integration we will ensure that we comply with all relevant legislation including employment law, particularly TUPE.


14.             John Lawson, Assistant Chief Executive, is leading the legal work stream for the Transition Project.




15.             A detailed Isle of Wight response to Commissioning a Patient-led NHS was prepared by the Transition Project Team. In that paper the following options for commissioning of health and social care services were considered:


i)          A stand alone Island Primary Care Trust (PCT) as a commissioning only organisation, transferring its service provision to the Isle of Wight Healthcare Trust, with adult social care remaining within Isle of Wight Council;


ii)        An Island-based Single Care Trust hosting provision and commissioning of health and adult social care.


iii)      An Island-based Joint Commissioning Care Trust, commissioning both health and adult social care, and an Island-based Provider Care Trust, providing both health and adult social care.


iv)      A Mainland-based Primary Care Trust also covering the Isle of Wight, as a commissioning-only organisation, with an Island-based Provider Care trust, providing both health and adult social care.


16               The preferred option is a variant of option ii). This features the Single Care Trust which would be a provider of health and adult social care but a commissioner for just health. Social care commissioning and joint commissioning would remain within the Isle of Wight Council, utilising the flexibilities available under the Local Area Agreement.  This was approved at the Transitional Steering Board, with confirmation of Council support, PCT and Healthcare NHS Trust Board meetings in September.


17               At a Transitional Steering Board workshop last month the partner organisations debated the key actions to strengthen integration between now and April 2007 when the new Care Trust would be created.


18               The next steps were proposed as:


i)          Vision for the new Care Trust – How the new organisation will improve services for the public – to be complete by February 2006;


ii)        Support work needed for the new organisation to be created in April 2007 – this includes governance, financial arrangements, human resources, communications, patient and user involvement, asset management and legal services;


iii)      Commissioning – How commissioning will operate and how the new Care Trust will need to separate commissioning and provision within the same organisation – to be complete by March 2006; and


iv)       Section 31 Agreements – It is recognised that the partners require more tangible evidence of strong partnership working. There is much informal partnership working but Section 31 Agreements are generally seen as evidence of formal partnership working.  Additional Section 31 Agreements are proposed to be put into place for Mental Health, Occupational Therapy, Learning Disability, Intermediate Care, Services provided at Beaulieu House and Emergency Planning and Business Continuity. These are proposed to be in place by March 2006.




19               A Risk Register has been created for the Transition Project and will be updated on a regular basis. 


20               Principal risks are outlined below with actions currently in place or proposed to be taken which will address the risk:


                        RISK                                       ACTION

         i)        Insufficient support from      i)     Manifesto commitment by new Council.

                   partner organisations to           

                   proposed direction.              ii)    PCT and Healthcare Trust now have Joint

                                                                   Management Team, Joint Board meetings and    conduct much business on a joint basis.


                                                                  iii)   Transitional Steering Board includes

                                                                         most senior membership from each of

                                                                         the partner organisations.


         ii)       Insufficient public support.   i)     Previous consultation in 2003/04 on the local

                                                                         Healthcare Strategy indicated support for an integrated health and social care organisation.


ii)        Formal public consulation will be undertaken in Spring 2006 to determine level of support.


         iii)      Model for commissioning    i)     Strong case supported by the Council, PCT

                   services put forward is                Healthcare Trust and the local MP put to the

                   counter to the national                 Strategic Health Authority (SHA).


ii)        Recognition in the SHA submission to the Department of Health that the IOW has exceptional circumstances.


iii)      The Isle of Wight already has a unique organisational model for healthcare as the Healthcare Trust is the only NHS Trust that is a provider of acute, community, ambulance and mental health services.


         iv)      A range of financial risks.    i)     It is expected that as an integrated organisation

                                                                         there will be financial savings compared with the

                                                                         current position.


ii)        A business case is being developed that will

require approval from the partner organisations that will address all of the financial risks.


iii)      Good progress is being made on the Financial

       Recovery Plan for the PCT/Healthcare Trust.




21   That the Cabinet note the current update and approve the next steps as set out in the above update.




22               Commissioning a Patient-led NHS – Department of Health, July 2005.

An Island Response – Transition Project Team, September 2005.


Contact Point: Mark Price, Transition Project Director Tel 01983 550942 email [email protected]




Transition Project Director



Cabinet Member for Care,

Health and Housing