How is the Service delivered now?

·               What is the Service – what does it seek to do for the Island?

·               What are the Service’s current overall costs?

·               What are the current costs for key services? (“Key” needs to be defined according to customer demand, statutory context etc)

·               What is the Service’s spending plan and does it take into account lifecycle costs? (time period to be defined but standardised)

·               Does the Service follow corporate/I&DeA model for procurement and is VFM monitored in this area?

·               What is the level of overheads for the Service?

·               What external factors (such as Island Apart, ageing population, Index of Multiple Deprivation etc) could affect costs?

·               How could these external factors affect costs and what can be done to mitigate against this?  (Hopefully mitigation has already started)

·               What other considerations could affect costs?

·               What is the value of the Service’s assets (fixed, portable and qualitative including people)? This will require tight definition.

·               How well is the Service delivered at the moment (customer feedback crucial here)

·               How does the Service link into the policy objectives of the Council?

·               What are the performance results for the Service? (Regional benchmark is minimum comparative standard here)

·               How do the costs compare with the Service’s results?

·               How does this compare with benchmark “family” results?


What are the contextual factors around the current Service?

·               What is special/unique about the quality and standards that the Service achieves? Why is this the case?

·               Is the Service an area where investment has been targeted, to meet corporate objectives? 

·               Is the Service an area where investment could be targeted, to meet corporate objectives?

·               What levels of external funding and income streams are possible for the Service to achieve?

·               What levels of external funding and income streams have already been achieved?



What are the monitoring systems for VFM currently?

·               What external verification/inspections have been undergone by the Service?  What did they say about VFM?

·               Does the Service’s service planning process build VFM into its “day job” plans for service delivery? Does this work?

·               Do systems exist within the Service to monitor/demonstrate VFM? Do they work?

·               Is there clear accountability within the Service for VFM?

·               What evidence base exists within the Service to prove VFM? The figures would need to be available to the Commission, in clearly-accessibly format


How could the VFM of the Service be improved?

·               Which alternative options for service delivery exist? (Methodology and channel of service delivery need brief explanation)

·               What benchmark data exists to support their relevance to the project – ie how closely do they match current market demands on the Island for this Service?

·               What are the likely costs of the alternative options? (To include costs of change in terms of training, equipment, time of service loss, PR problems etc. – unit costs across all the different channels and methodologies need to be provided, to demonstrate favourable comparison)

·               What are the implications of the alternative options, in terms of revenue liability, valuation of assets, quality of service?  Is there any external evidence to support this?

·               How will these developments affect the people who use the Service?

·               How would the alternative options be affected by the contextual factors above?

·               Would the monitoring systems for VFM need to be amended?  At what cost?


Who has informed this VFM study?

·               Officers currently involved

·               Members of Council

·               Customers/Service clients

·               Stakeholders – evidence required to justify their definition and inclusion

·               Partners in service provision

·               Alternative providers

·               Suppliers

·               External/governmental evaluation


Assessing the Value

·               How did the Council arrive at the rationale behind its delivery of the Service – what was the methodology and identification of need?

·               Why is the Service provided?

·               Why is the Service important?

·               What are the benefits for the public?

·               How can it be improved?

·               What is best practice?


Service Plan – end-of-year review of Service, using VFM template, to demonstrate Service VFM.  This will allow a review of VFM across the whole authority, service by service.