The following decisions were taken on 1 NOVEMBER 2005 by the CABINET


These decisions do not take effect until 11 NOVEMBER 2005


Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton, Barry Abraham, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Ian Ward, Jilly Wood


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………..............


                                                                                             Leader of the Council


Prior to the start of the meeting Prior to the start of the meeting Members received a presentation and demonstration of a new portable CCTV system, developed by the Council together with an Island-based company, Grist Electronics Ltd


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


Agenda item

Aim High - The Change Management Plan Approval and Future Steps

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Cabinet :


a)        Recommend to Full Council the adoption of Aim High, and Annex 1 as the core of the Corporate Plan for the remainder of 2005-2006 and, following further development and review, as the core of the Corporate Plan for 2006-2009.


b)        Adopts the structure, and the other Annexes, other than Annex 1, as the delivery structure of the Corporate Plan, for further review and development by the Cabinet through the remainder of 2005-2006 and through the quarterly performance management process, on an ongoing basis.


c)         Confirms the role of the Cabinet as the custodians of review and gatekeeping for the Plan.


d)        Commits to receiving further reports in February and March reflecting the conclusion of further negotiations with the Local Strategic Partnership and in relation to the Local Area Agreement and Local Public Service Agreement 2.


To ensure the delivery of the manifesto commitments set by the leading group, to become a high- performing cost-effective Council.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Adoption of the Inspire Programme and the New Isle of Wight Brand

Decision reference


Decision taken

a)        That the Council initially adopt the mark as a Partner User in a phased corporate approach.


b)        Two Primary User organisations (the Economic Partnership and the Isle of Wight Council through the Isle of Wight Tourism) will use the mark as a primary user only when promoting the Island rather than themselves and their own activity.


c)         Following the next CPA assessment and as the brand matures the Council may consider adopting the mark as a Primary User.


To commence the phased implementation of the Isle of Wight Brand to support the inspire programme.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

Not to adopt the Inspire brand.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the Current Forward Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

Cllr Wood advised Members that the item on Special Purchaser Land Transaction regarding Sun Hill and Jellico House had slipped to 13 December 2005.

Cllr Joyce advised members that the item on SEN Strategy had been slipped to 13 December 2005.

Cllr Cousins advised Members that the item on Health Integration had slipped to 22 November 2005.


None Declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Cllr R Mazillius asked a question relating to parished and unparished areas.

Cllr G Lumley asked a question in relation to taxation in unparished areas.