7.17 Maintains a formal audit trail of why decisions are made to prosecute, offer a caution or an administrative penalty, or not apply a sanction. These are recorded Apr-04 - quarterly Management checks to monitor This is already in place
7.17 Publicises its prosecution policy both within the authority and externally, linking this to a dedicated fraud awareness strategy. Policy has been circulated Apr-04 Greater awareness of fraud Completed   'October 2003
7.17 Develops a business plan, which includes targets and objectives for the Fraud Investigation team which links into the overall strategy for HB and CTB. Link to overall benefits plan Apr-04 Improved fraud service Completed
7.17 Develops operational procedures for investigators that cover all aspects of counter-fraud activity. Procedure required Apr-04 Improved fraud service Completed
7.38 Reviews the management of the referrals process to ensure that the Fraud Investigation team make the decision on which referrals to accept or reject. Process amended to meet this requirement In place from Dec 03 Improved fraud service Completed 'December 2003
7.38 Develops a standard referral form to be used by all staff that includes prompts to help staff complete the form in line with the requirements of the Fraud Investigation team. Process amended to meet this requirement In use from Nov 03 Improved fraud service Completed  'November 2003
7.38 Regularly provides fraud awareness training to all council staff, ensuring that all Benefits service staff receive this training. Dealt with via team meetings Apr-04 - quarterly Staff awareness of fraud issues Ongoing
7.38 Ensures feedback is given in every case and that this is fully documented on the fraud file. Improve understanding of fraud In place from Nov 03 Management checks to monitor Completed  'November 2003
7.38 Revises its induction training programme to cover operational procedures relating to fraud referrals as well as covering legislative requirements. Included in Induction process Apr-04 Staff awareness Completed  'March 2003
7.38 Advertises the fraud hotline internally and externally. Through posters and newsletters Completed July 03 Management checks to monitor Completed  'July 2003
7.38 Monitors the effectiveness of the hotline in order to identify the benefits of the service. Collect and record information Apr-04 Meet standards Completed
7.38 Develops procedures and processes to analyse referrals and use this information to target resources effectively. Repotrts from Fraud Manager system provides information for this Jun-04 Meet standards Completed
7.52 Gives priority to Housing Benefit Matching Service and National Fraud Initiative referrals to ensure that any benefit abuse is stopped as soon as the council becomes aware of the discrepancy. Policy for new data matching rules from Apr 04 Apr-04 Reduced the level of overpayments Completed
7.52 Introduces written procedures for dealing with National Fraud Initiative cases, agreeing these with Internal Audit, ensuring that an established reporting methodology is adhered to. Review current procedures and update where necessary Jun-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.52 Introduces procedures to conduct internal data matching exercises. Internal Audit are responsible for this Jun-04 Improved fraud detection Ongoing
7.52 Ensures clear procedures are agreed between the Fraud Investigation team and the Principal Revenues Officer with regard to the timelines for completion and reporting of action on Housing Benefit Matching Service and National Fraud Initiative cases. Review procedures and update where necessary Apr-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.52 Reports the reasons and outcomes of Housing Benefit Matching Service referrals and National Fraud Initiative cases to senior managers and Members. Include as part of reporting on action plan progress Jun-04 To monitor performance Completed - include on 6 monthly monitoring
7.58 Uses ‘Do Not Redirect’ envelopes for all benefit post. Including benefit letter Apr-04 Reduce the level of fraud Completed Mar 04
7.58 Liases with Royal Mail to establish a named contact for the ‘Do Not Redirect’ scheme. Contact Royal Mail to set up  Sept 03 Scheme more effective Completed   'September 2003
7.58 Records incoming ‘Do Not Redirect’ post when it arrives in the post room. To be entered into daily log Apr-04 To ensure it is investigated promptly Completed
7.58 Reminds all staff of the ‘Do Not Redirect’ procedures and ensures these are adhered to. Will form part of fraud update for team meetings Apr-04 To ensure it is investigated promptly Completed
7.65 Uses authorised individual powers where appropriate. Was in place but not formally recorded Mar-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.65 Monitors and records all instances when the authorised individual powers are used. Maintain log - Management checks Apr-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.65 Ensures that all correspondence to employers requesting information quotes the necessary legislation and the powers contained therein. Include in procedures Apr-04 Reduce number of enquiries Completed
7.81 Records opening minutes on the case record sheet that detail as a minimum the allegation, the facts of the case and the route the investigation will take. Management checks Apr-04 More complete records Completed
7.81 Ensures a full and complete record of an investigation is maintained. Was in place but not formally recorded Apr-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.81 Ensures only cases that warrant investigation are accepted. Was in place but not formally recorded Apr-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.81 Adheres to the requirements of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996. Review current procedures Apr-04 Management checks to monitor Completed
7.92 Undertakes regular and thorough management checks of all investigations to provide assurance that the unit has carried out competent investigations Management checks to monitor Apr-04 To meet standards Completed
7.92 Records management checks either on the fraud file or in a designated register and acts to correct errors identified Provide summary of checks Apr-04 To meet standards Completed
7.92 Follows up recommendations from management checks to ensure that the directed action is carried out. Provide summary of checks Apr-04 Ensure compliance with statutory requirements Completed
7.99 Introduces key work objectives as part of individual performance development plans. These are included on PDP forms Jun-04 Better understanding of roles Completed
7.109 Ensures that an SLA1 form is issued to the Department in all cases it investigates involving IS and JSA(IB) and that its issue is recorded on the file, together with the Counter Fraud Investigation Service’s response. Management checks to monitor Apr-04 To meet standards Completed
7.128 Monitors all cases where an administrative penalty is applied to ensure that it is rigorously recovered, along with the associated overpayment. To be raised on debtors system Apr-04 Increased fraud income Completed
7.134 Sets up formal channels with the local press to publicise the success of its counter-fraud work, and uses other methods such as the local council paper to highlight the cost of fraud to its customers. Publicised by legal section after each case Apr-04 To deter fraudulent claims Completed   'January 2004