Processing of Claims
4.26 Introduces and monitors procedures to ensure that it meets the 14-day and 36-day processing Standards. To be incorporated in performance targets Apr-04 Standard met Quarterly BVP reports 
4.26 Develops an exception report that identifies claims not reaching the 14-day or 36-day Standards and investigates the length and reason for the delay. To develop SQL reports from DIP system, Monthly monitoring to be carried out Jun-04 Improved management information Completed
4.31 Introduces procedures and practices that provide for the timely identification of appropriate payment on account cases and ensure that payments on account are made, where appropriate. Procedures required, but may reduced requirement due to the 21 day turnaround for complete claims Apr-04 Payments on account made where necessary Completed
4.4 Introduces procedures and practices to identify and prioritise reported changes of circumstances and monitors action taken to ensure that it meets the 9 calendar day changes of circumstances Standard. To be incorporated in performance targets Apr-04 Standard met Quarterly BVP reports 
4.4 Reminds landlords in all relevant communications of the need to report relevant changes of circumstances. Currently included on all notifications and being emphasised by awareness sessions at landlords forums and through leaflets Apr-04 Monitor to ensure this is maintained Completed
4.43 Reminds staff of the need to check that the IS or JSA(IB) indicator is set in appropriate cases, and if not:  that the relevant standard form is sent to Jobcentre Plus. Incorporated in procedures Mar-04 Include on management checks Completed
4.82 Provides ultra violet scanners in all its offices, which should be routinely used to confirm the authenticity of original documents. Training sessions arranged for 12 March for all staff who receive documents Mar-04 Completed, Monitoring in place Completed
4.82 Provides formal training for the identification of false documents to all staff responsible for confirming the authenticity of supporting evidence. Training sessions arranged for 12 March for all staff who receive documents Mar-04 Completed, Monitoring in place Completed
4.82 Reviews and considers reducing the high level of verification management checks currently undertaken, while ensuring that the requirements of the Verification Framework are met. Reduced levels of checking Completed Percentage only being checked from October 2003 Completed
4.92 Introduces procedures to complete and record cross-checks in CTB only claims to confirm liability to pay Council Tax. Ensure that checks are made in all cases Already exist as part of the VF procedures Management check by Supervisor when signing off claims Completed
4.92 Critically examines evidence of liability to pay rent for authenticity and initiates enquiries to verify evidence, where appropriate. Ensure that checks are made in all cases Already exist as part of the VF procedures Management check by Supervisor when signing off claims Completed
4.98 Ensures that income and capital is verified to a standard at least equal to that required by the Verification Framework in all appropriate cases. Already being done in the majority of cases Mar-04 Management check by Supervisor when signing off claims Completed
4.111 Increases the level of management checks of HB and CTB assessments to 10% in order to meet Standard. Checks have increased Apr-04 Achieve minimum of 10% Completed
4.111 Introduces procedures to complete all management checks of HB and CTB assessments before decision notices are issued. Procedures by end of April  - we aim to reduce verification checks an increase others Sep-04 Include in management checks Completed
4.111 Reviews its checking procedures to ensure that checks are made to confirm application of the fit and proper person test and errors relating to Rent Officer determinations are identified. Procedures to be rewritten May-04 Test applied consistently for all landlords Completed
4.111 Sets targets for the continuous improvement in the accuracy of benefit calculations. Targets in the 2004/5 service plan based on DWP Stats 128 There are targets in the 2004/5 service plan Meet standards Completed
4.111 Revises its record of management checks to facilitate the improved analysis of findings from the checks. Link to the overall training process - Report findings to Line-Manager and Revenues & Benefits Manager Apr-04 Improved training Completed
4.125 Ensures that it conducts checks on customers’ circumstances in accordance with the requirements of the Verification Framework. Checks recorded in all cases Mar-04 Monitoring included in management checks Completed
4.135 Introduces procedures to promptly identify appropriate rent allowance claims that require a referral to the Rent Officer. Already in place but new victer software system being made available by SX3 in April Apr-04 Weekly report from System used to check Completed
4.135 Introduces procedures to ensure that applications to the Rent Officer, in respect of rent allowance claims, are made within 3 working days or as soon as practicable thereafter. Monitoring included in management checks In place from Oct-03 Meet standards Completed
4.135 Monitors cases where referrals have been made to the Rent Officer to ensure that determinations are received. Automated process when new software in place Apr-04 Monitoring included in management checks Completed
4.135 Renews the existing service level agreement with the Rent Service. Should be renewed annually Renewed Nov 03   Completed
4.135 Monitors the performance of the Rent Service against the performance levels set out in the service level agreement. Will be done on a quarterly basis from Apr-04 Apr-04 Monitoring in place Completed
4.135 Introduces procedures to ensure that rent allowance claims are decided within 2 working days of receiving the Rent Officer determination, if all other information has been received. Prepare Procedures, Monitoring included in management checks Apr-04 Meet standards Completed
  Reduce processing times Use of a special team to clear backlog Jan-04 Improved PI's Completed
    Speed up the supply of missing information Mar-04 Improved PI's Completed
    Publicise the criteria for supplying information Jun-04 Improved PI's Completed
  Establish a recognised system of Prioritisation Process those with all evidence within 21 days Apr-04 % of claims with all evidence Completed
    Fast-track for homeless cases Apr-04 Improved PI's Completed
    Other cases processed in date order Mar-04 Fairer system Completed