Customer Services
3.1 Introduces a system to capture feedback about the claim form from customers and staff. Looked at by best value review, further consultation in BVPI Survey Jul-04 Analyse results and agree changes Improved score in 2003/4 survey
3.1 Ensures that it performs the required management checks on 10% of completed claim forms before the decisions on them are notified to the claimants. Procedures being updated to include all tpyes of change Jun-04 Result used for service planning and training Completed
3.1 Enhances the evidence it maintains on these management checks to record  all information in an analysable format                                                    Procedures being updated to identify format for reporting checks Jun-04 Result used for service planning and training Completed
3.28 Researches and introduces processes to monitor its telephone service to record the volumes of lost calls, call waiting times, number of calls diverted and the number of calls which require a call-back. Agree reports required from BT and prepare precure for collecting required information Sep-04 Improved telephone service Ongoing
3.28 Researches and introduces processes to manage and monitor waiting times for personal callers at all Benefits service public locations                                           Currently measured using a manual system- alternative options being investigated Oct-04 Reduced waiting times Ongoing
3.28 Develops processes to analyse and exploit the telephone and queue information gathered. Procedure required to utilise results, investigate other Councils Oct-04 Improved service Ongoing
3.28 Undertakes research amongst customers to identify their needs and expectations in order to inform the Great Access to Great Services strategy of the requirements of the Benefits service. This has already started through the best value review Sep-04 Annual Survey Ongoing
3.28 Standardise the content and presentation of the information displayed at every public location to ensure that the key messages are clear and that all relevant information is easily visible. Review all posters and leaflets Jun-04 Management checks by Verification Supervisor Completed
3.33 Ensures that all staff who have not yet done so receive formal customer care training and that this training includes the recognition and handling of potentially violent customers and those with special needs.  Course arranged for all customer staff  Sep-04 Better trained staff Parially completed & ongoing
3.4 Implements new decision notices at the earliest opportunity that explain the decision, and the reason for it, in plain English and contain the explanations of claimants' rights and responsibilities within the main text of the decision notice. Planned changes released in May 2004 by Sx3, likely implementation date August 2004 Aug-04 Better information for claimants resulting in less enquiries Implementation of new letters in progress- software problems
3.4 Ensures that management checks include a check on the structure, content and wording of letters produced by the document image processing system to maintain their quality. Include in list of checks Jun-04 Better letters which improve claimant awareness Completed
3.47 Assesses its services against the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. Assessment of requirements carried out - changes to be office access planned Aug-04 Meet DDA requirements Ongoing
3.47 Ensures that any special needs issues identified are formally brought together and actioned and/or monitored as a whole. Assess and implement findings Aug-04 Special needs facilities available Ongoing
3.47 Informs all staff of the facilities that the Social Inclusion Unit can make available to assist benefits customers. Provide information list for all staff Aug-04 Meet social Inclusion needs Ongoing
3.47 Publicises the availability of its services for those claimants with special needs. Prepare publicity and distribute Aug-04 Raise awareness of special needs services Ongoing
3.47 Produces written procedures specifying contact details and arrangements for handling customers with special needs. Prepare procedure Aug-04 Better customer service Ongoing
3.52 Reviews the access and service needs of customers who work and develops an action plan to address identified shortfalls. Customer Service centre open later and on saturdays Aug-04 Improved access to service Ongoing
3.52 Develops a clear system to demonstrate that it acted promptly on information received from Jobcentre Plus to make extended payments or fast-track claims for those who find work. These cases are currently being prioritised with set timescales Jun-04 Monitor as part of management checks Completed
3.61 Develops the take-up strategy outlined in its 2003/04 Service Plan to meet the requirements of Performance Standards. Best Value review has looked at this. Joint campaign with other organisations underway Jun-04 Monitor results of campaigns Completed first stage and ongoing
3.61 Includes benefit take-up as a standing agenda item for the Benefits Forum and also if it can be agreed with them, the Disability and Landlord Forum. Forum meetings being held in March when agreement will be sought Jun-04 Agreed for future meetings Completed - but ongoing
3.61 Includes benefit take-up when discussing joint action with Jobcentre Plus and The Pension Service liaison officers. Being developed as part of best value review Jul-04 Leaflet distributed end of March Ongoing process established
3.7 Provides all staff with a clear definition of what constitutes a complaint and introduces procedures to ensure that all such complaints are recorded. Procedure agreed an in operation Oct-04 All complaints identified and recorded Completed - July 04
3.7 Expands the information it collects when monitoring complaints to include specific reasons and corrective actions. Procedure agreed an in operation Sep-04 All complaints acted on Completed - July 04
3.7 Introduces a procedure for capturing verbal and informal complaints that customers do not wish to pursue through the formal complaints process. Procedure agreed an in operation Oct-04 All complaints identified and recorded Completed - July 04
3.88 Urgently introduces a procedure whereby all disputes from all sources, including all requests for explanations and reconsiderations and all intentions to appeal, are monitored so that data can be analysed.  Prepare procedures Apr-04 Prompt and effective resolution of disputes Completed
3.88 Examines and improves the existing monitoring information to establish the reasons for the long delays in responding to requests and to take corrective action as necessary. Managers now required to check age of items in Dip trays Sep-04 Quicker response to requests Completed
3.88 Urgently introduces policies for dealing with cases that are to be sent to the Appeals service which set out the grounds for determining whether to seek paper or oral hearings, the grounds for whether to attend oral hearings or not and the requirement to review cases before submission to the Appeals Service. Appeals officer now in post, Procedures inplace Jun-04 Better management of the appeals process Completed
3.88 Empowers the appeals officer(s) to check the progress of explanations and reconsiderations where the monitoring data indicates the need for this to ensure the overall effectiveness of the appeals process. Training & Appeals Officer has full responsibility for all appeals Apr-04 Improved appeals process Completed
  BEST VALUE        
  Poor phone access Technical issues with numbers, review loop lines Mar-04 less calls going to wrong place Completed
    Internal practice Mar-04 on-going consultation with users Completed & monitoring in place
    Calls put through incorrectly by Customer Services Apr-04 less calls going to wrong place Completed & monitoring in place
  BEST VALUE        
    Allow Revenues to set messages in busy periods May-04 Messages used effectively Current phone system needs amending
    Monitor effects of the above Jun-04 then quarterly less calls lost more calls answered in 15 seconds Facility not fully operational date awaited
    Review phone team approach or the use of Freephone Oct-04 Introduction, or not, of new initiatives Ongoing
    Review specification for phone system at Sandown Dec-04 Specification in place - work towards achieving it Ongoing
  Better information Clarity over who to contact Jun-04 on-going consultation with users Completed
  Availability and quality of information Where & how to provide information Feb-04 + ongoing on-going consultation with users Ongoing
    More explanations of information required Jul-04 on-going consultation with users Ongoing
    Advertising - access points & times Mar-04 More use of offices other than Sandown & Newport Completed - included with all council tax bills and benefit letters
    Provide different languages  & formats where a need is identified Oct-04 Translators, translations & other formats available at each office Ongoing
    Develop better Customer perceptions of the service on-going on-going consultation with users Ongoing
    Investigate the viability of more home visits Oct Home visitscurrently made on request - no evidence that current arrangements not satisfactory Ongoing
  Investigate Benefits being taught in school under Citizenship Work with High Schools, and with Connexions / Police  May-04 + ongoing Better knowledge of Benefits among young people In progress
  Increase the level of take-up  Review the success of the PR campaign by comparing new claims between years Jun-04 + ongoing Increased applications Nos attending events Completed
  Web-site & e-applications         Training in Conman May-04 training done Completed Aug 04
    Basic information on-line Jul-04 Web-site up and running Ongoing
    Publicise the web-site Jul-04 No of hits Ongoing
    Further development of the web-site Oct-04   Ongoing
  BEST VALUE        
  Improve the Application form Model form in use. Investigate the development of more than one form Sep-04 All forms available at each office Ongoing
    Change layout to fit screen input Dec-04 Would not comply with DWP model so would not be at standard No further action
    Signage - "Don't leave without a receipt" Apr-04 Sign advising what is required - all callers isued with checklist which is also a receipt Completed
  Evidence / proof required Evaluate the use of secure envelopes v recorded delivery Jun-04 Not identified as a requirement as most people take forms and prooofs to local offices Completed but kept under review
    FAB team pilot to collect proofs Mar-04 Joint working Completed
  Extended opening hours Consider extending in evenings & Sat am Jun-04 user consultation & no. of visits in extended hours No current evidence of need but will be kept under review
  Improve the Help Centres Better facilities at local offices Oct-04 Making claimantts aware of all offices. Ongoing
    Wider use of staff Apr-04 Staff consultation Completed
  Reduced waiting times Monitor the waiting times Jul-04 Monitoring results Reduced number of callers has reduced waiting times
  More interim payments Introduce procedures to achieve this May-04 21 day turnaround will reduce numbers affected Completed
  Estimate of possible Benefit Agree a common calculator Apr-04   Completed
    Training for landlords and support agencies Jun-04 Eventually less arrears for HA's Ongoing
    Calculator available on web-site Aug-04 Number of hits  
  Ongoing consultation Annual satisfaction survey each year Survey results Completed
    3 yearly BVPI survey Jun-04 Survey results Completed
    Benefits & Landlords Forums Quarterly Nos attending Review of effectiveness Ongoing
  Communication - Greater use of e-mails Mar-04 user consultation Completed
    Testing Sep-04 on-going consultation with users Ongoing