2.23 Develops its Corporate Plan and supporting strategies, as part of its next review, to include reference to the role HB and CTB can play in tackling poverty and social inclusion. Report to SS & Benefits Select Committee in April to agree ongoing monitoring requirements Sep-04 To be included in service plan Completed
2.29 Urgently introduces benefit specific policies and procedures to support and direct the Benefits service in the key areas of benefit administration,  overpayments, appeals and reconsiderations and management checking.               Aim for Initial by end May, fully agreed by end of June Jun-04 Updated benefits strategy covering all issues Completed
2.29 Includes in its Benefits Service Plan details of how it will address all aspects of HB and CTB performance against Performance Standards. No separate service plan for benefits - include in overall service plan Sep-04 It is an objective in the 2004/5 plan Plan currently being updated
2.37 Includes in its Benefits Strategy and Service Plan, an improvement plan that seeks to achieve Best Value targets and meet the wider ranging requirements of Performance Standards. The improvement plan should be communicated to all staff and stakeholders, supported by Members and actively managed, monitored and controlled           Strategy updated to reflect the action plan for the BFI and Best Value recommendations Jun-04 Action plan monitored with 6 monthly reports to Members Ongoing
2.43 Sets performance targets for the Benefits service that includes all relevant Best Value Performance Indicators. Await revised BVPI's - to include replacement for renewals - circulate quarterly Jun-04 Quarterly reporting based on BVPI's submitted to DWP performance monitoring Completed
2.43 Reflects individual performance targets in key work objectives for all benefit staff. Job descriptions include requirement to meet performance targets which are in Benefit procedures.Competency framework also covers performance. Sep-04 Monitoring in place Ongoing
2.43 Ensures that the individual performance targets would collectively achieve the overall team targets. Plans updated from 1 April 04 (to reflect reviews/interventions) Sep-04 Monitoring in place Ongoing
2.51 Introduces procedures to ensure that staff and managers in both the Verification and the Benefit Processing teams are aware of the levels of performance against clearance time targets in their own functional area. System interrogation to determine measurement process, targets updated to reflect requirements Sep-04 Monitoring in place Ongoing
2.64 Reviews the role of the Principal Benefits Officer to provide more time for the post holder to manage the benefit processing operation and to remove responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Fraud Investigation team.  Fraud role separated from 1 Dec 03 Dec-03 Greater focus on claim processing Completed
2.72 Develops comprehensive documented procedures covering all aspects of its service delivery, incorporating all the regulations and current circulars. Procedures being rewritten on a staged basis Dec-04 Staff awareness Ongoing
2.72 Provides awareness training for staff and managers in use of the available guidance on the delivery of HB and CTB. Training needs identified by PDP process and included in training plans Sep-04 Staff awareness Ongoing
2.72 Introduces procedures to ensure that, when necessary, changes to procedures are implemented within 10 days of receiving information from the Department. Procdure written to cover regular updating of procedures Jun-04 Procedures implemented in 10 days Ongoing
2.72 Devises a formal process for developing and changing local procedures. Changes are driven by legislation updates or by software changes Sep-04 Monitoring in place Ongoing
2.8 Introduces formal procedures to carry out and record management checks for fraud, appeals and overpayments Procedures updated to reflect new proposals Sep-04 Monitoring in place Completed
2.8 Regularly reports the results of management checks to senior officers and Members. Committee have determined that we report progress 6-monthly.Performance information reported quarterly Sep-04 six monthly reports Completed
2.8 Develops a process for using the results of management checks to inform staff training plans. Procedures to link checks, complaints & appeals to overall training plans Jun-04 Improved training Completed
2.88 Develops and uses a range of management information to identify risks to effective benefit administration, identify areas of low benefit take-up, assist the continuous improvement of HB and CTB administration and identify the causes of any deviations from plans and targets.                       Management information already used to identify deviation from plan Oct-04 Improved service levels Completed
2.88 Ensures that information about individual and team performance is fed back into staff training and development plans. Currently achieved thorugh team meetings and the PDP process Jul-04 Performance details to team meetings Completed
2.107 Introduces a formal mechanism for evaluating the training provided ensuring that this process is used to review and revise the Benefits service’s training programme. Traing evaluation forms  in use Apr-04 Line -managers to use evaluation form Completed
2.107 Introduces personal work objectives which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based to support the higher level departmental and corporate objectives. To be included job descriptions  Mar-04 -Nov04 Improved service levels Ongoing
2.128 Introduce an access control policy for all users of the Benefits IT systems and urgently reviews the access levels that have been allocated to all system users to ensure that they are commensurate with their duties.      Action identified in the Audit Plan and system access reviewed and procedures written. System reports to monitor Apr-04 Access level based on job role six monthly reviews Completed
2.128 Reviews the Benefits IT system training provided to staff to ensure that it satisfies the needs of individual members of staff, is comprehensive in content and is delivered effectively and timeously. System training for all staff to be reviewed as part of their PDP and updated each time there is a software change Starting Jun -04 - inc on training plan Improved service levels Ongoing
2.128 Documents its IT contingency and recovery plans, tests these plans at least annually and reviews them in the light of the outcomes of these tests. Already in progress as part of the Corporate plan for disaster recovery First stage Feb - 04 System continuity Partially completed
2.14 Ensures that Performance Standards requirements inform future Internal Audit testing and reporting and the level of Internal Audit resources used and days committed to HB and CTB audit reflects the risk and monetary value of HB and CTB compared to budget expenditure for other services. Agreed to Increase number of days available for benefit audit from 30 days to 40 days  from 1 April 2004 Sep-04 Audit work linked to performance standards Completed
2.14 Puts systems in place to ensure that action against Internal Audit recommendations is followed up by Internal Audit and that Members are provided with ongoing and systematic assurance on the effectiveness and security of its HB and CTB systems. Systems for performing follow up audits have been established and the results of these will be reported to the Audit panel at the first available meeting after the conclusion of the audit. Sep-04 Monitoring performance against plans Completed
2.147 Monitors the progress of action plans against Audit Commission recommendations and adjust these plans as necessary Action plans are developed following the audit report and are monitored on a monthly basis Dec-04 Improved benefit performance Ongoing
2.147 Reports regularly to Members on progress against these plans. Report to SS& Benefits Select in April to agree reporting process Apr-04 Agreed every six months Ongoing
2.147 Includes staff from the Benefits service in the project management training to be provided by the Audit Commission. Member of systems staff to attend next and subsequent training sessions Sep-04 Improved knowledge of project management Ongoing
2.151 Ensures that its costing structure for calculating the cost of a claim identifies the direct cost for staff, IT, stationery and administrative overheads. Cost to be claculated annually using figures on revenues Outturn form spread over these headings Jul-04 To demonstrate cost effective service Completed
2.164 Actively communicates the race equality scheme to Benefits service staff. Representative on the Corporate group Oct-04 Improved service levels Ongoing
2.164 Provides training to all Benefits service staff on all aspects of race equality and the race equality scheme. Customer staff attending divesity training Oct-04 Improved service levels Ongoing
2.164 Conducts annual reviews of all the Benefits service facilities provided for claimants of key ethnic minority groups in the area. Base reviews on Corporate requirements Oct-04 Improved service levels Ongoing
2.169 Maximises the effectiveness of its internal working arrangements to ensure that Benefits service is making maximum use of the corporate services. Customer staff attending divesity training Jun-04 Specific role now in place to deal with all liaison work Ongoing
2.178 Formally identifies all external stakeholders connected to the administration of HB and CTB, where partnership agreements and service level agreements need to be introduced or updated and ensures that all its service level agreements are current and up-to-date SLA,s in place with various DWP services and with RSL's who carry out verification Sep-04 Specific role now in place to deal with all liaison work Ongoing
  BEST VALUE        
  Raise the profile of the Benefits Service Member questionnaire Sep-03   Completed
    Member awareness sessions Nov-03 and then annually Improved Member awareness Initial round completed
    PR campaign ongoing Review success of PR campaign under Customer Service Started Feb 04 - Ongoing
    Reporting to Select Committees 1/2 yrly Select Committees request updates Ongoing
  Keep Members updated Send relevant information updates to all Members ongoing Members receive updates and ask questions Ongoing
  Raise the importance of the Benefits Service Corporate priority with homelessness, and a Priority Improvement Area Sep-04 Remains a corporate priority Ongoing
    Develop Benefits anti-poverty strategy Dec-04 Strategy in place Ongoing
  Reaching the hard to reach Use the Benefits and Homelessness Services as a method of accessing vulnerable people Jul-04 Part of corporate consultation strategy Ongoing
  SLA/Partnership with DWP Partnership working with Pension Service   SLA adhered to Completed
  SLA with Pension Service Renewed Jan 04   SLA adhered to Completed
  Partnership with Age Concern In place   SLA adhered to Completed
  Improve ICT provision Advise ICT of the requirements for support (times etc) as basis of an SLA with ICT Jun-04 ICT to provide support during normal office hours Completed
    Develop a procedure for prioritisation of new projects Apr-04 Procedure written Completed
    Procedure to record issues & plan for improvements Aug-04 Procedure written Ongoing
    Monitor downtime- systems to record Jun-04 Better controls Completed