Present :


Mr I R Stephens (Chairman), Mrs B D Clough, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr J F Howe, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr V J Morey, Mrs E Oulton, Mr D G Williams


Portfolio Holder :


                        Mr G S Kendall


Also Present (non voting) :


                        Mr A C Bartlett, Mr C R Richards, Mrs S A Smart




65.              MINUTES




The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2005 were confirmed.




Mr G S Kendall declared an personal interest in minute 67 as a Non Executive Director of the Primary Care Trust. Mrs D Gardiner also declared a personal interest in minute 67 as a member of Unison.




The Chairman welcomed Mrs S Smart as Chairman of the Transitional Steering Board, Mr D Crawley the Project Director for the Transitional Steering Board and Mrs D Drake from the Public and Patient Involvement Forum to the meeting.


The Select Committee was advised of a series of meetings of the PWC Task Group had been undertaken since December 2004 on proposals to establish a Care Trust on the Island. These involved discussions with a range of stakeholders together with a visit to Camden Borough Council where a similar Trust had been established. A meeting had also been held with the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) This had culminated in a number of recommendations which the Task Group believed should be forwarded onto the Council’s Executive and the Transitional Steering Board (TSB).


Members considered each recommendation individually together with the suggested timescale and rationale and the following issues arose :-


Recommendation 2 – Appointment of a Director of Adult and Community Services – Whilst there might be difficulties in recruiting on a fixed term basis the Select Committee strongly believed that such a post was required. Whilst it was acknowledged that arrangements had been implemented to cover the statutory requirements members considered that with the demands being placed on service delivery and the workload involved in the Care Trust such a post was required. The post would also help ensure that the interests of stakeholders were not omitted. It was noted however that there was not to be an inspection in June 2005 by the Commission for Social Care.


Recommendation 3 – Shadow Trust Board – The IRP had suggested that by having a shadow Board in place this would give an opportunity to trial governance arrangements. The Select Committee noted the wording in Recommendation 5 relating to representation on the TSB and felt that this would be more appropriate to a shadow Board and the two could therefore be amalgamated. An outline of how the TSB operated was given by Mrs Smart. Members felt that it would not be appropriate for a member of the Select Committee to be on any shadow Board as this would affect their ability to undertake the Council’s Health scrutiny role.


Recommendation 6 – Children’s Services – It was indicated that it was never intended to include Children’s Services within the Care Trust as this would be covered by a separate Trust.


Recommendation 7 – Housing – Mr Crawley referred to the vital role played by housing in improving health.  The Portfolio Holder considered that there was a more substantial link between social care and housing than leisure, transport or library services. The Select Committee was made aware of the Council would still retain accountability but services might be provided through a third party. Such arrangements however would not attract any additional access to funding.


Recommendation 9 – Industrial Relations – Reference was made to the Task Group’s visit to Camden and the difficulties that were still being encountered with integrating staff from the various organisations due to variances in pay and conditions. The Portfolio Holder indicated an existing example with staff involved in Mental Health where there was a known difference in pay and could have a substantial financial impact for the Council. The Select Committee considered that staff integration was a key element in the success of the Care Trust. It was accepted that there was a need to review roles and responsibilities of staff before any progress could be made with pay and conditions. The Portfolio Holder stated that it was not anticipated that there would be job losses in front line staff through a Care Trust.


Recommendation 12 – Exit Strategy – This was an issue that should not be overlooked and would form part of an overall risk management strategy. The problem of transferring staff back to the relevant authority could present challenges.


The Chairman stated that the amended recommendations would be submitted to the Council’s Executive and the Transitional Steering Board for adoption or comment.






Action by


1.      The Select Committee will support the integration programme, subject to an impact assessment with key milestones and the following recommendations.

By June 2005

To ensure that the aspirations of the Statement of Intent are met, resulting in viable public services on the Isle of Wight.

2.      The appointment of a Director of Adult and Community Services on a fixed term contract, to add impetus, experience and fully represent the interests of the IWC and its stakeholders during this integration period.

With Immediate effect

To represent the best professional, operational and organisational interests of IWC.


To continue to satisfy the criteria of having a statutory Director of Social Services. 

3.      That a shadow trust board be established, prior to the setting up of any new organisation in legislature with equal representation in terms of Local Authority members and NHS representatives.  Furthermore, a place should be reserved for a staff representative


With Immediate effect

Allows any new governance arrangements to be trailed as well as setting, testing and monitoring suitable performance targets with transparent and balanced corporate accountability.


4.      That the new Trust includes as a key objective the promotion and development of ‘independent living’ and that a timetable to incorporate some leisure, transport and libraries services to be explored.


By October 2005

The Committee consider all investment in preventative measures will bring down costs in future years.

5.         That the Children’s Services Trust should not be included within a new organisation.

With Immediate effect

The Committee believes the Children’s Services agenda to improve attainment standards and reorganisation will over complicate an already busy restructure, and the IWC does not have sufficient resources at present.


6.      That Housing should not be included within the new Trust



The Committee believes that including Housing at this time would not be of benefit to the integrity of the current service.  Any dilution of the current arrangements would, from the evidence gathered by the Task Group, have a detrimental affect upon Housing.  In order to keep Housing high on the agenda, it should remain as part of the Council.  It is also important to bear in mind that part of the Audit Commission’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) takes into account targets focussing upon housing and homelessness.


The Committee recognises that Housing has close links to the health, but also believes that there are stronger ties with other Council services such as Planning, Economic regeneration strategy, Environmental Health, Highways and the Housing Benefits Section.


The Task Group does however recognise the need for a review of this position after the new organisation has been put into operation.


7.      That a Head of Housing be appointed at the earliest date

With immediate effect

To maintain a strategic focus on Housing and assist with forthcoming developments such as the Pan project.


8.      That, recognising the importance of good industrial relations, the Select Committee recommends that a specialist team be established to review roles and responsibilities and integrate salaries and terms and conditions for personnel working within the new Trust with the expressed objective of achieving full integration of the above by April 2008.  In addition any Section 31 agreement must address differentials in pay and conditions


 By January 2006

The Committee would expect to see the integration programme carried out on the principle of ‘levelling-up’ in line with guidance from the Department of Health on Developing Health Trusts.


Members considered it important to resolve differences in pay and conditions prior to the organisation’s establishment to ensure that service delivery experiences as little disruption as possible and that staff are fully on board with any integration.


9.      That a series of new performance indicators (PIs) be developed to measure service improvements for patients and the public by the establishment of a new Trust.  These new targets will enable clear and concise scrutiny to be undertaken to determine how the new arrangements have performed in comparison to current performance levels.


With immediate effect

This is required for good Performance Management.   The indicators will require recognition by statutory bodies to legitimise them and the service delivery.

10.  The new targets are included within the new PSA targets (currently being devised during 2005).



May 2005

Focus the new administration on the integration agenda.

11.  That an ‘exit strategy’ be developed so that individual service elements can withdraw from the Trust in the form that they are currently if the needs and delivery of health services are not reaching predicted performance levels. 


By June 2005

Safeguard and maximise service delivery.

12.     That the integration project incorporates all these recommendations within a timetable to provide a framework for delivery of the new trust’s objectives.


With immediate effect

To ensure clear accountability and sustainability of services.

13.  That the work of the Task Group should continue post election, with particular focus on the issue of governance.


After May 2005

On-going Health Scrutiny


68.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


Mrs D Gardiner asked a question regarding the reorganisation of Home Care services. The Acting Director of Adult Services outlined the position regarding the reorganisation. Although some delay had been encountered it was anticipated that the target date of 1 April 2005 would be met.


Mr R G Mazillius asked a question regarding the Portfolio Holder’s position as a Non-Executive Director on the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust. The Portfolio Holder indicated that he would respond in writing.




The Portfolio Holder reported on service performance for the period 1 October 2004 to 31 March 2005. The two areas where targets had not been achieved were showing an improvement in Quarter 4.  The Direct Payments Scheme had seen an increase in the number of participants and it was anticipated that a figure of 150 would be reached. The performance indicator of 175 was local and had been deliberately set high. The analysis of reasons why those on the scheme


With regard to the number of users of the mobile library service these had fallen short of the target for the third quarter in a row. The Portfolio Holder explained the difficulties that had been encountered with driver shortage and also a damaged vehicle. It was noted however that the physical visits to libraries had increased, primarily due to the People’s Network.


The Select Committee also discussed the areas to watch and the action that was being taken to ensure services were delivered in accordance with the targets.


On finance the projected overspend on homelessness was raised. The Acting Head of Housing indicated that despite the position being stabilised, with the assistance of Internal Audit, there would be a significant overspend. It was believed that the original budget forecast was a contributing factor. The emergency works to the structure of Ryde Theatre had been undertaken, funded from the Corporate Property Management budget, and investigations were ongoing as to what additional works were required.


The Select Committee was pleased to note the key achievements in quarter 3 and in particular the Adult and Community Learning Service gaining joint second place in the Local Government Chronicle’s “Sustainable Communities” award and Adult Services continuing to sustain a near nil return on delayed transfer from hospital. The ongoing improvement in performance of the Benefits Service was also commended.




A letter be sent to those staff involved in the delivery of those services mentioned in the Key Achievements.




A report be sent to members of the Select Committee detailing the amount of loss income from the recent closure of Ryde Theatre and what further works are required to the building.




