Purpose : For Information




Date:               9 DECEMBER 2003


Title:                ISLE OF WIGHT TOURISM UPDATE








To summarise current activity of Isle of Wight Tourism.


1.                  MARKETING, SALES & PRODUCTION


2004 Guide – 2004 Accommodation Guide, Family Guide, Adult Guide and Mini Guide now produced.  Mailout of guide package to Members took place w/c 10/11.

Exhibitions – In addition to the following exhibitions, IWT will be attending London Boat Show in January and a variety of Day Out Fairs in conjunction with exhibition partners.

·        Manchester & Bristol Holiday Show – 16-18 January 2004

·        Vakantiebeurs Leisure Exhibition, Netherlands 13-18 January 2004

·        Bristol Interhol –  14-15 February 2004

·        BTTF, Birmingham 3-4 March 2004

2003 Winter Pocket Guide – in distribution.

2004 Pocket Guide/Eating Out – rate card sales in progress.

Teachers Guide – new marketing proposals dispatched to members w/c 10/11.

2002/3 Year End Tourism Monitor – attached.  Summary results to be presented at meeting.

2004 Marketing – At the Image Strategy meeting 27 October, Designate Agency presented outline proposals for a press, poster and London Tube campaign to run from post Easter 2004.  Further details were presented at the Full Members Meeting 20 November and will be distributed with Tourism News to all members in December. – upgraded website to be launched December.


2.         MEMBERSHIP


Full Members Meeting – took place at Gurnard Pines on 20 November.  Over 100 people attended, and guest speakers included Bob Collier, Managing Director of Tourism South East, Rachael Fidler, Hospitality Training  Partnership and Sue Falkener of VISIT.  A Tourism Debate hosted by Alex Dyke took place after lunch with questions directed to a panel.

TSE Sub Regional Meeting – was held at Westridge on 21 November 2003

New Terms and Conditions of IWT Booking Services are currently being printed and were distributed to members late November.  The standard 10%

commission rate will come in to effect from 1st January 2004.  Only those accommodation providers who have returned agreements by this date will be offered booking options, all remaining providers will receive a referral service

Eating Out Assessment

61 assessments have been completed to-date. Early indications reveal some very positive feedback.  Individual assessment reports will be sent to members early December.  Discussions are currently taking place concerning the branding of the pilot scheme. 

DMS - IWT staff have been trained on the system.   Whilst internally the system should go live from December, full integration with the islandbreaks site will dictate an official live date. 


3.                  PRESS & PR


Excellence in England  Awards -  Four IW establishments at awards evening at Runnymede on 31 October selected to go through to finals on 23 April 2004 in London:  Southlands, Foxhills, Island 2000 and Red Funnel Ferries.

IW Chamber of Commerce Awards for Excellence – Attended by IWT on Friday 07 November at Gurnard Pines.  Tourism Award won by Amazon World, Business Person of the Year award - Simon Dabell.

Media Visits

October- The Times - Nick Roe - a feature on the walking festival due to go out in April.

24/25 October Oxford Times - Geoff Hedges, visited Island attractions for a follow up feature. 

October 31 - 2 Nov  The Daily Telegraph - Gary King came to cover the White Air Extreme Sports Festival

30 Oct - 2 Nov  Sky Sports - Rob Hayter to cover the White Air Extreme Sports Festival.

In addition, a number of other key Extreme Sports magazines also came over to cover the White Air event.




TICs – a healthy trading performance in the TIC network will facilitate further investment in the Centres both externally and internally.  Sandown TIC scheduled for a refit November/December.

EPOS System – new system currently under evaluation.

Call Centre – currently training on DMS and conducting research on past visitors to determine Guide conversion ratios.


5.      RECOMMENDATION                         


         To note the Report



Contact :         John Metcalfe, Head of Community Development and Tourism, IWC


D PETTIT                              

                                                            Hon Secretary