Purpose : For Noting


Date:               20 JUNE 2002






To summarise current activity of Isle of Wight Tourism.



1.HEAD OF TOURISM SERVICES – John Metcalfe to be appointed as strategic head of tourism following Tim Addison’s departure on 14th June. Recruitment of replacement for Tim Addison on hold pending decisions on future of Tourism Services following Best Value Review and Select Committee recommendations on 13th June. This will also involve a move of directorate from Finance & Information to Education.


2.IW FESTIVAL – IW Tourism sold approximately 2156 tickets for the Rock Island Festival via Call Centre and Tourist Information Centres. Dates for next year to be agreed as soon as possible with Wight Leisure.


3.BEST VALUE REVIEW – Executive Committee approved the Review at the meeting on 21st May.


4.IMAGE CAMPAIGN - meeting of Marketing Strategy Group 17th June when results of Image Campaign TV advertising will be assessed and research proposals initiated.


5.WALKING FESTIVAL – successful 2002 Festival, with Launch Day in Shanklin attended by Minister of Tourism, Dr Kim Howells. Discussions due to take place with Wight Leisure on format for next year’s festival which is to take place 10th – 25th May 2003, and Isle of Wight Tourism’s proposed involvement.


6.IT PROJECT BOARD – David Price, Head of ICT, has cancelled the original Project Board and re-commenced the IW Tourism IT Procurement process with a newly-appointed committee. Hotline continues to decline and service may need to be withdrawn in the near future.


7.BUDGETS – IWT showing an underspend of £5K as at end March 2002.


8.TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Peter Moore OBE presenting his Vision Statement for tourism on the Isle of Wight when he attends Lead Group on 12th June.


9.2003 GUIDE - £245,000 worth of sales booked in (42%). Tendering process completed ahead of schedule by IWC. Printing and Repro contracts soon to be awarded.


10.PUBLICATIONS The Eating Out Guide, Golfing Guide and Sandown Bay (retail) guides were delivered during May/June. The new Teachers Guide and Cycling Guide are due for delivery end June/July.

11.TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES - Ventnor Town Council and hoteliers have supported move of Ventnor TIC to Coastal Visitor Centre. Meetings taking place with Robin McInnes to agree terms.


12.CALL CENTRE & DISTRIBUTION -– call centre remained open for tourist information and Rock Island ticket sales over the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend.

      2002 Guide Enquiries up to and including 8th June total 123,705 (last year 127,171).


13.PRESS & PUBLIC RELATIONS - see attached information sheet for Media and Press enquiries since March 2002.


14.STAFFING – Seven permanent members of staff have left Isle of Wight Tourism in the past two months. New recruits include Michael Rowlands (TIC Retail Officer), Graham Groves & Kari Paxton (Finance) and Elizabeth Walker (Sales).


To note the Report

Contact Point : Hal Matthews, Marketing Manager



Secretary to the Tourism Partnership