Purpose : For Noting

Committee:                 TOURISM PARTNERSHIP

Date:                          18 SEPTEMBER 2002

Title:                           ISLE OF WIGHT TOURISM UPDATE




To summarise current activity of Isle of Wight Tourism.


1.        GENERAL


EXTERNALISATION – IWC Executive met on 2nd July and voted for externalisation of Isle of Wight Tourism from the Council. This went to Full Council on 24th July. Following their agreement, a new Head of Tourism Services will be appointed with a specific remit for preparing IWT for externalisation, working to John Metcalfe. ITIA also holding discussions to ensure the process complies with their requirements.


SEEDA – IWC and ITIA met with SEEDA during August to discuss regional agenda.


TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Peter Moore has prepared his final statement which has been sent to Tourism Partnership, and will be presented to Select Committee and Marketing Strategy Group meetings.


IT PROCUREMENT – review of current procedures being undertaken. Meetings are continuing with the objective of moving the process forward for completion. Hardware will be in place by end of December and by mid-February the new system should be on-line. 3 potential systems to be trialed.


ISLAND 2000 – Becky Collier of Island 2000 attended recent Isle of Wight Tourism management team meeting to outline tourism initiatives they are undertaking. They are awaiting confirmation from Executive Committee for a 3 year funding agreement/SLA with IWC to deliver sustainable tourism as recommended in Best Value Review.


2.        MARKETING


RESEARCH – Working on results in liaison with Ann Hahlo and Southern Tourist Board.



Pilot Scheme - to be undertaken for 4 weeks in September/October in one TIC only. The objective is to reduce retail activity and concentrate on tourist information services.


Capital Bid – submitted for £20K for improvements to Ryde TIC this winter.


Winter Opening – rotas already being drawn up to including Christmas coverage.


August Bank Holiday – 10,376 people visited TICs over the weekend (compared to 11,746 last year) generating £11,229 revenue (£11,609 last year).

3.        PRODUCTION


2003 GUIDE – Production in process. Sales closed at £590K. Editorial and photography in hand.


2003 GUIDE MAILER – in development.


ATTRACTIONS GUIDE – sponsorship being obtained ready for production. 100K to go to mainland TICs for distribution.


WINTER POCKET GUIDE – tenders out for artwork, repro and printing. Ratecard going out, delivery October.


RETAIL POCKET MAP – Final schedule to be confirmed.


WEBSITE – 60K visitors to website in July, average length of time 6/7 minutes. Quotes being received for new website rebuild.


MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES – leaflet in progress for members indicating forthcoming publications and dates.



EXHIBITIONS – meeting with partners in September. Confirmed attendance at World Travel Market (11-14 November) being held at Excell, Docklands this year. London Boat Show (9-19 Jan 03) and BTTF (26/27 March 03).


GRADING – 55 signed up to AA scheme so far.


INDUSTRY AWARDS – to be held at Royal Hotel, 23rd November. IWT receiving nominations from industry.



2002 GUIDE ENQUIRIES – 3,000 enquiries down year on year.


HOTLINE – averaging 25-30 bookings per week at the moment, but there was no availability over the Bank Holiday weekend.


GUIDE TELEPHONE RESEARCH – 2,000 telephone enquiries now completed.


STAFFING - some problems due to staff sickness. Recruiting replacement receptionist/telesales assistant.


SUMMER POCKET GUIDE – 29K extra distributed year on year, due to improvements in ferry distribution staffing.

6.        PRESS & PR


COWES WEEK – liaison with journalists during event, including Newsround, The Sun, Daily Telegraph, etc.


WISH YOU WERE HERE? – assistance given to company whilst filming on the Island for 3 days. They will return for more filming at end of month


BBC HOLIDAY PROGRAMME – visiting Island to film learning to sail on the IW.


TRAVEL CHANNEL – doing interview on the Island.


TOURISM NEWS – next edition due out 30th September.


GBR CHALLENGE – taken one page ad in GBR Challenge Magazine promoting the Island as great place to holiday.


EVENTS – IWT working on supporting events:


Whiteair – plans well under way. IWT will be running media centre again at event


Honda Cowes Classic Powerboats


Ryde Carnival and Arts Festival – 25 Aug – 08 September.


Ventnor Jazz Divas 13 – 15 September


IW SUNSHINE RECORDS – looking to maximize PR coverage compared to other resorts.


 To note the Report


Contact Name : J Metcalfe ☎823825



Head of Community Development and Tourism