17 JUNE 2003
2.00 PM


Present :


Isle of Wight Council


Mrs  M  A  Jarman  ( Chairman ),  Miss  H  L  Humby,  Mr  A  J  Mellor,

Mr K Pearson, Mr H Rees, Mrs S A Smart


Island Tourist Industry Association


Ms O Glass, Mr D Groocock, Ms J Saville, Mr L Stritton, Mr R Teasdale Mr C Thie


Also in Attendance


Mr D Brooks – IW Tourism, Mr J H Fleming – Isle of Wight Council,  Mrs B E Herbert – Corporate Services, Mr H Matthews – IW Tourism, Mr J Metcalfe – Head of Community Development and Tourism


Apologies :   


Mr D Pettit, Honorary Secretary




6.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2003
 be confirmed.


7.                  ISLE OF WIGHT TOURISM UPDATE


The Directors received the report of the Honorary Secretary summarising the activities of Isle of Wight Tourism since the last meeting of the Partnership.  In particular, mention was made of the analysis of response findings for the 2003 Image Campaign that had been reported to the meeting of the campaign board, the previous day.  A draft brief for the year 2004 had also been considered.  Directors were reminded that a Systems Development Officer had been appointed to oversee the installation of the Destination Management System (DMS).  The system would be implemented over the forthcoming months, with going ‘live’ anticipated for late September/early October.  The existing Integra system would continue to run alongside the new system until the end of September.


With regard to the 2003 Guide Enquiries, the Directors were informed that the Council had now signed off £20K worth of additional Guide advertising.  Following discussions with the Chairman of ITIA, it had been resolved to defer the Web-based campaign until late August/early September.  The reasons for this decision were explained which would provide a boost to the shoulder season.  An IT problem, resulting in a delay to service inquiries, was also reported.


The Directors endorsed comments regarding the successful two week Isle of Wight music festival, in particular the well supported Rock Island event.  Once dates had been agreed for 2004, these would be built into the marketing and advertising campaign for next year.  Reference was also made to the Islandbreaks website, to the recent Walking Festival organised by Wight Leisure and to the Blue Flag status achieved this year at Sandown, Shanklin, Ryde and Ventnor beaches.




            THAT  the report be noted.




The Council’s Head of Community Development and Tourism referred to the report setting out progress on the modernisation/externalisation of Isle of Wight Tourism, since the last meeting of the Partnership, together with proposals for a Model Framework for the new Tourism Strategic Partnership and arrangements for an Interim Sub Regional Committee.


At the core of the proposals for the externalisation/modernisation of IW Tourism, highlighted at the last meeting of the Tourism Partnership, was the need to create a new strategic partnership, which would be responsible for the development of tourism on the Island.  In addition, the Island, through this partnership should endeavour to become an administrative sub region of the new regional tourist board, Tourism South East (TSE).  These aims had been the focus of a great deal of work undertaken by the externalisation sub group.  It was reported that at the first meeting of the TSE, on 22 April 2003, the Isle of Wight was successfully confirmed as a sub region of the regional tourist board, thereby guaranteeing the island an important voice at regional level.  Following this decision a number of discussions had been conducted with representatives of TSE to agree how it would be included in the new Tourism Strategic Partnership.  Consideration had been given to proposals for the new strategic body, which would meet the approval of all partner organisations.  Discussions were still ongoing, however, in relation to the role and place of TSE.  Details of an interim sub committee, which could be established, and which would act until such time as the final arrangements for the Island’s new strategic body could be agreed were reported.  A number of issues were identified in the report, which required further consideration to continue the progress made.




            THAT the report be noted.


9.                  2004 MARKETING CAMPAIGN


The annual marketing campaign, funded jointly by the Council and the industry, provided a generic marketing platform for all the tourism and industry marketing programmes on the Island.  The co-ordinating group, drawn from the main funding partners, was responsible for overseeing the determination and delivery of the marketing campaign’s five core main aims. The Directors received a presentation from Mr H Matthews, of IW Tourism setting out potential targets for the 2004 campaign.  Directors stressed the need for further market research to be undertaken to identify the core holiday market and to build on the strengths of the Island.  Working in partnership with Tourism South East would provide a new opportunity to develop and review the current marketing strategy.




            THAT the presentation be noted.


10.             DATE OF NEXT MEETING




THAT it be noted that, the next meeting of the Tourism Partnership be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 30 September 2003.




The confidential letter dated 11 June 2003 from Mr D Groocock, Chairman of ITIA to the Council’s Head of Community Development and Tourism was circulated to Directors.    The letter set out a number of points with regard to the installation of the DMS and the working partnership arrangements between ITIA and IW Tourism.




(i)                 THAT the reports on the Tourism Development Plan and working arrangements between the Council and ITIA be presented to a specially convened meeting of the Tourism Partnership;


(ii)               THAT an informal meeting be arranged, between representatives of the IOW Council and ITIA, to clarify partnership working relationships and to establish Terms of Reference for the future.