Purpose : For Information


Committee:            TOURISM PARTNERSHIP


Date:               11 APRIL 2002


Title:                ISLE OF WIGHT TOURISM UPDATE








To summarise current activity of Isle of Wight Tourism.





To note the Report




1.      GENERAL


IW Festival – IW Tourism commenced selling tickets for the Rock Festival exclusively on-Island in TICs as from 22nd March. 


Exhibitions – IWT attended BTTF in Birmingham 13th/14th March and were awarded Exhibitor Excellence Award for overall participation excellence, beating 300 other exhibitors from around the UK.


Best Value Review – completed end March for submission to Select Committee 22nd April.


Tourist Industry Meeting – representatives of ITIA Executive and IW Tourism held meeting together with Council members and officers on 11th March to discuss IWC structure in relation to industry.


Wight to be Heard– Hal Matthews represented IW Tourism on panel at debate held at Ryde Theatre on 8th March, along with Alan Kaye and Shirley Smart from IW Council.


Image Campaign - meeting of Marketing Strategy Group held 4th March to confirm TV campaign, which commenced 8 April. 


Walking Festival – meetings continuing on a regular basis leading towards launch day in Shanklin on 11th May, which will be opened by Dr Kim Howells, Government Minister for Tourism. 


Vectis Transport – have lost a large volume of Walking Festival leaflets due for insertion in magazines.  This has cost IW Tourism in excess of £4,000 and at present Vectis Transport, though admitting the loss, maintain that they are not liable for the consequential impact on IW Tourism.


IT Business Case – David Price, Head of IWC ICT Department, has visited both Integra and Hampshire Visit to assess their systems and will report to the Project Board shortly.






Summer Pocket Guide – distribution commenced 15th March to IW Tourism members, TICs and on board ferries.


Eating Out Guide – in production, with new photography. 


Golfing Guide – now in production, Red Funnel sponsoring.  Delivery April.


Teachers Guide – On sale, for production end May.


Walking Festival Programme – in production for delivery 3rd May.


Attractions Guides – formal consultation with representatives from Visitor Attraction Association and PILLA  to review current IW Tourism products and services prior to recommendations being forwarded at a forthcoming meeting for all Island attractions.


Internet Site – accommodation details regularly updated by Membership Department.


Cycling Guide – confirmation of £13K funding from Island 2000, to enable production of new guide this summer.




Retail Officer – recruitment process commenced for replacement Retail Officer as Stephen Matthews is leaving end May.


Ryde TIC – redecorating work taking place, with completion by Easter.


Easter Opening - All seven centres will be open over the entire Easter weekend.  Weeks following, five centres open seven days a week.  Cowes and Ventnor five days a week. 




Total Membership – 823


Industry Awards – Awards Dinner to be held at Royal Hotel on 7th December.


AA Scheme – 26 members signed up to scheme.


Complaints – Service Level Agreement with Trading Standards under review.




2002 Guides –    99,300 distributed as at 25/3 (97,200 same time last year).  7 days per week telephone answering now being undertaken in TICs.


Hotline – Total bookings to date:  1,084 (value £204,300)


Wightlink – distribution staff have been offered free ferry travel, so can now be recruited from the Island.  Interviews currently taking place.


4.      PRESS & PR


Your Countryside You’re Welcome – IWT withdrew from participation in this promotional day which was organised in London by DEFRA on 10th March because of lack of support from Sunshine Fare.


Tourism News –   edition 16 circulated to IWT Members on 11 March 2002.


Journalist Visits –

The Independent

Round and About magazine

Kitesurf magazine

Panorama Italian Travel magazine

BBC Question Time

The express

CBBC – coming over to recce island for potential new pre-school age kids programme


Web Site – 61 pictures available for media on


Blind Date - was filmed on the island last year and will be broadcast on 30 March.


BBC Question Time – filming on IW on 30th May at Medina Theatre.


Walking Festival – MP for Tourism Dr Kim Howells will be visiting the Island to launch the 4th annual walking festival. Itinerary is currently being planned and agreed. Competitions are being placed in key regional papers to raise event profile. Weekly news regarding the festival is being submitted to the County Press.


Amazon World - hosted an open day for industry members to show latest renovations and their two new lesser anteaters – the only 2 in the UK.


Round the Island Race - Isle of Wight Tourism is supporting the event this year and distributing all race press material.


Events - Press & PR invested in a new portable media centre for events such as White Air and Cowes Week to allow the team to set up a satellite mobile office on site at the event.






Tim Addison

Head of Tourism Services