Purpose : For Information




Date :              11 MARCH 2003




                        REPORT OF THE HONARARY SECRETARY






The following paper sets out a potential model that could be used to achieve the externalisation/modernisation of Isle of Wight Tourism.  It discusses some of the fundamental roles that partner organisations might play. At the core of its thinking is that the Island should constructively engage with the Regional Tourist Board (RTB) as a means of improving the tourism product and the visitor appeal of the Island.  Its progress and ultimate success however relies on the decisions still to be made by the RTB in relation to its sub regional agenda and the role of its members in it. 



Diagram 1: Basic Relationships between the partner organisations





Isle of Wight Council












Tourism Partnership








Service Contract










Delivery Arm







1.      The Isle of Wight Council:


·        Will be responsible for funding the Tourism Partnership to achieve the aims, which the Council may describe, but as a minimum to deliver the objectives of the Community Strategy and also the emerging Tourism Development Programme.


2.      The Tourism Partnership:


Key Functions:


·        Marketing Activities - to establish broad objectives and a delivery strategy for them.

·        Commissioning of research and development – to inform the above.

·        Press and PR in a strategic context


Key Responsibilities:


·        Will be responsible for broadly describing to the Council how it will attempt to achieve the aims set for it and for producing an annual action plan and targets that it expects to be achieved in return for its funding.

·        It will contract with the delivery arm for the achievement of the targets it describes and will monitor the effectiveness of it in so doing.

·        It will also monitor the effectiveness of the targets in achieving real improvements in all tourism and related industries on the Island and seek to identify other targets where this is not being achieved.

·        It will become the sub region for the Regional Tourist Board however that ends up being described.

·        It will own the brand of the Isle of Wight for marketing and promotional activities.


Membership and Staffing


·        The main board of the partnership will comprise representatives from: -

·        ITIA

·        Other tourist related businesses on the IW

·        Regional Tourist Board

·        IW Council

·        Cross Solent Travel Operators

·        The Partnership will require a small staff in order to service the needs of the board and also to produce and monitor the service arrangements with the Delivery Arm.


3.      The Delivery Arm:


Key Functions:


·        Call Centre & Distribution

·        Delivery of research and development.

·        Press and PR in a specific context. (eg related to publications or events)

·        Sales & Publications

·        Exhibitions

·        TIC’s


Key Responsibilities:


·        For achieving the targets set for it by the Partnership.

·        Will be responsible for specifically describing to the Partnership the means by which it will achieve the targets set for it and the milestones that it will use to measure its success on the way.

·        Its services will be available to all tourist and related industries on the IW subject to any reasonable restrictions that the Partnership may legally pose (eg grading).

·        It will advise the Partnership on all matters in relation to the setting of a tourism development strategy and any potential target markets that it sees for the Island.




·        Staffing will in the main be drawn from the existing staff of Isle of Wight Tourism.


4.      ITIA


·        To remain a membership organisation that seeks to develop and lobby for improvements in support of the tourist industry in general and its members in particular.

·        It will provide a range of member benefits that will assist them in the development growth and general management of their businesses.

·        It will provide some funding to the Partnership with for which its members will receive access to the services of the delivery arm at preferential rates to non-members of ITIA (subject the minimum acceptable standards still applying).

·        The members of ITIA should also be members of the RTB as part of the sub regional agenda/discussions.


ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED (In no particular order)


1.      How to ensure fast turnaround times on R&D to enable the industry to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace.

2.      How to coordinate sponsorship for the many tourist related activities.

3.      Clarify who might run the ITIA membership scheme.

4.      TUPE issues in relation to existing IWT staff

5.      What package of benefits could be created to assist the development & growth of ITIA?

6.      How to amend the current objectives and membership of the Tourism Partnership.


Contact :         John Metcalfe  tel 01983 823285

Head of Community Development & Tourism

Isle of Wight Council


                                    D PETTITT

   Honorary Secretary