Member Attendance Record


Name of Member:


Period Covered:


(A) Number of meetings invited to:


Number of meetings in (A) attended:


Percentage of number of meetings in (A) attended:


Reason for absence (numbers):

Work (NOT Council related) and personal commitments (Inc. holidays).


Health reasons.


Other Council or public duties/commitments.


Any other reason.


No reason given.


Formal Training Sessions attended during this period:


Other bodies on which the member is appointed by the Council:


Number of hours member estimated spent in attending above outside bodies and Task Groups:


Number of hours (average per week) member estimated spent on constituency work during this period:


Explanation from Member of other Council related work undertaken during this period (max 100 words):












The “clear” boxes on the right hand side will be completed from data collected by officers – whereas the “grey” boxes will be for individual members to complete as necessary.