Former Select Committees - Outstanding Work Programmes


Select Committee


Proposed Action


Children’s Services




Record Office (with Adult and Community Services)

A Task Group had been involved in drafting a vision on the future accommodation requirements for a replacement Record and Archives Office

Responsibility to pass to Head of Community Development and Cabinet Member for Resources etc.


School Clusters

It was intended to undertake a review of the effectiveness of school cluster working after the second year of operation to ascertain whether it was having an impact on school attainment.

To become part of work programme for Children & School Results Commission


ICT in schools

This was an item raised for possible investigation to see if ICT in schools was being used effectively

Enquiry not to be pursued


Pupils educated otherwise than at school

The delivery of this service was to be reviewed to identify why parents were choosing this method and that support was being given by the LEA where required. 

Enquiry not to be pursued


School organisation

Was to take an overview of consultation arrangements and monitor any timetable of proposed action.

Enquiry not to be pursued


Special Educational Needs

Task Group investigating how the LEA dealt with SEN. Work nearly completed on the statementing process.


To become part of work programme for Children & School Results Commission




Environment and Transport




Speed cameras

Annual report on performance. Invitation to visit the Hampshire and IOW Safety Camera Partnership in Winchester

Enquiry not to be pursued


Charging and trading

Look at new legislation and income generation or trading opportunities

To become part of budget setting/service planning process


Newport Traffic Management scheme

Review of experimental scheme by taking evidence from key stakeholders.

Policy development to be part of work programme of Environment etc Commission


Statutory Undertakers working on the Highway

To consider the processes, procedures and co-ordination between the Highway Authority and statutory undertakers working on the highway.

Enquiry not to be pursued


Highways PFI

To monitor progress with the submission of a PFI bid.

Policy development to be part of work programme of Economy etc Commission; monitoring through QPMR exception reporting


Parking Order

To comment on proposals to amend any existing tariffs, parking places or restrictions.

Policy development to be part of work programme of Environment etc Commission


Council energy usage (link with Resources)

To look at ways to achieve reductions in the Council’s energy usage

Enquiry not to be pursued


Road Safety Plan

To comment on the draft plan before adoption and monitor implementation.

Policy development to be part of work programme of Cabinet Member for Environment  etc and Head of Engineering Services


Transport Review

Task Group involved in a major review of transport.


Enquiry not to be pursued


Highway and Bridge Inspections

To review arrangements to ensure targets are being met.

To  consider as part of Scrutiny Committee’s potential Highway Safety enquiry.


Adult and Community Services




Supporting People

To ensure delivery of services with partner agencies.

Consider including in initial Scrutiny Committee Work Programme


Voluntary Sector Compact

To review the effectiveness of the Compact against the criteria contained in the agreement.

Enquiry not to be pursued


Home Care and Direct Payments

To monitor arrangements for the delivery of homecare and implementation of the direct payments scheme and identify where improvements can be made

Enquiry not to be pursued


Housing Benefits

To monitor the delivery of the Action Plan for Benefits and the associated levels of performance.


Monitor through QPMR exception reporting


Healthy Lifestyles

To continue to identify action that can be taken to improve the health of Island residents.

Enquiry not to be pursued


Health Care Strategy and Beyond Healthfit

To monitor the development and delivery of health care on the Island and the region in cases where health services affecting Island residents are involved.


Health Scrutiny to be the responsibility of the Care Trust and Health Scrutiny Commission


Establishment of Health Care Trust

To comment on proposed arrangements for the establishment of a Health Care Trust on the Island.


Health Scrutiny to be the responsibility of the Care Trust and Health Scrutiny Commission



Fire and Public Safety




Fire Modernisation

To monitor action being taken to modernise the Fire and Rescue Service

Monitor through QPMR exception reporting


Community Wardens

A Task Group has been investigating the operation of Community Warden schemes

Policy development as part of work programme of Safer Communities Commission


Bereavement Services

Task Group considers issues relating to the Council’s Crematorium and cemeteries.

Policy development as part of work programme of Safer Communities Commission


Policing on the Island

To consider the Annual Policing Plan for the Island.

Enquiry not to be pursued






Property Transactions

Monitoring the disposal of Council assets.

Monitor through QPMR exception reporting



To monitor the delivery of the Council’s ICT strategy for Customer Services.

Monitor through QPMR exception reporting


Partnership working/SLA

To review existing partnership working and the operation of service level agreements.

Enquiry not to be pursued


Corporate Complaints

To monitor trends

Monitoring of intelligence from feedback including complaints to Cabinet alongside QPMR and Diversity issues.


Print Unit Review

To review the results of a market testing exercise on printing.

Conclusion & implementation responsibility of Head of Corporate Policy and Communications



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services




Local Development Framework

To monitor action by the Island Plan Task Group on key stages of the Local Development Framework

Monitor through QPMR exception reporting


Sandown Bay Regeneration

Continued involvement with key stakeholders

Development & delivery responsibility of Cabinet Members for Environment etc and Economy etc and Strategic Director of Environment Services


Pan Development

To monitor key actions on the proposed development at Pan

Responsibility to pass to Head of Housing and Cabinet Member for Care, Health & Housing


Tourism Development Plan

To monitor the delivery of the Plan with stakeholders.

Monitor through QPMR exception reporting


Dual use of Medina Leisure Centre

To consider proposed changes to the existing agreement on dual use.

Responsibility to pass to Head of Community Development