Change Plan Timeline September 2005 to April 2006





September 2005

Have identified and published our expectations of individual schools’ performance for 2005/06


Staff Focus group commences


Launch the plan with a middle managers’ conference


October 2005

Change plan agreed by Directors and Cabinet


The change co-ordinating team to be in place


Service efficiency savings identified


Corporate Objective Group for the Objective of being a high performing Council is established


The Aim High team for the target of cost reductions is established to support the budget process


Commence implementation of the communications plan


Prioritisation of initiatives in the plan and the overall approach to their management agreed


Changes to the organisational structure completed


All other work in connection with strategic partnering for central services to begin in earnest


Corporate Objective Group for Children and Young People established


November 2005

Corporate efficiency savings identified


All Corporate Objective Groups established


Informal Cabinet and Directors Group to commence fortnightly reviews and updates to the plan.


Initiate bi-weekly "coping with change” lunchtime seminars for all staff


Initiate the programme of Friday forums


Process re-engineering of selected service completed


Priority service budget bids received


Zero based budgeting exercise complete


External change advisors on strategic partnering for central services commence work


Implement leadership development course for all middle managers who will be the key drivers of the change plan


Mechanism for appointing to Aim High Teams established


December 2005

Agree our principles of community leadership


All vacant posts in the new organisational structure to have been filled


January 2006

Staff focus  group to consider its expectations of a rewards system


All Corporate Objective Groups to commence monthly progress reports to Directors’ Group


A statement of values, beliefs and behaviours to be agreed and accepted by all internal stakeholders


Talented individuals and the benefits that they can deliver to the Council to have been identified


Initiate a monthly seminar programme to grow employees’ understanding of strategic partnering


February 2006

Completes consultation with stakeholders in respect of our principles of community leadership


Programme of mentoring for talented individuals to have commenced


Formal review of the effectiveness of the change co-ordinating team in maintaining the momentum of change completed


Corporate Objective Groups to have negotiated indicators of success with the LSP


Draft proposals for a reward based performance system to be produced


March 2006

All Aim High teams to have been established


All employees to understand the change plan and the processes that underpin its delivery


All priority Aim High teams to have confirmed their targets with the relevant Corporate Objective Groups and the expected performance in year


April 2006

Have a community leadership model in place


All staff in tranche 1 of the strategic partnering plans to have had the opportunity to discuss their career aspirations with their line manager or HR advisor


A clear criterion for the use of succession planning is developed


Internal successors for key positions have been identified


A refreshed competency skills matrix has been agreed and is in use in the PDR process


Staff performance reviews are to consider performance against the values and beliefs statement as a formal part of the PDR process


Reward system introduced