Scrutiny Committee









1.1        This is a standing enquiry throughout the financial year into the delivery and impact of the 2006/07 Council’s Revenue Budget efficiencies.

1.2        The 2006-07 revenue budget is of significant public interest and is being examined to ensure the delivery and impact of service efficiencies does not have a detrimental effect on service users and the local economy.


2                    RECOMMENDATIONS


2.1        That there is a need to make available to all members of the Council updated budget monitoring reports on a monthly basis.

2.2        The introduction of Service Boards, and the strategic role that they play in financial monitoring, be welcomed.



3                    BACKGROUND TO THE ISSUE


3.1        The Scrutiny Committee on 23 February 2006 was advised that the Council budget approved the previous day had enabled a Council tax increase of 2.499% to be set. This incorporated a spending increase of £10.4 million with £7.2 million of efficiencies and income generation. This was seen by the Council as a dynamic redirection of resources into frontline services funded largely by back office efficiencies.

3.2        The Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, Council Efficiency and Customer Champion indicated that savings would be achieved through efficiency and not service cuts.

3.3        The Scrutiny Committee agreed to establish a standing enquiry into the 2006/07 revenue budget. This took two aspects – delivery of the budget and the impact.

3.4        The Scrutiny Committee took formal evidence on this enquiry from the Cabinet Member at its meeting on 27 July 2006. Members were advised that the structure of the Council’s financial management had been amended following the appointment of the new Chief Executive. Service Boards had been set up and met on a monthly basis to look at budgets of individual Directorates in order to identify potential problems and prioritise resources at a corporate level.

3.5        The Scrutiny Committee also commenced an enquiry into the use of Council Reserves, SC05/06, at its meeting on 23 March 2006. This was aimed at clarifying the Council’s balances and reserves for 2006/07 and picked up concerns expressed in the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter for 2005-06 on the Council’s planned level of balances. The Committee decided, on 27 July 2006, to absorb this matter into the overall revenue budget efficiencies enquiry. 

4                    OUTCOMES


4.1        The Task Group reviewed the information contained in Appendix 2 of the report submitted to the Cabinet on 22 February 2006 and in particular the efficiencies proposed and also received a copy of a budget update submitted to the Aim High Strategy Group. Arising from this the Cabinet Member, Councillor Jilly Wood, was asked to clarify a number of issues relating to meeting the efficiency targets contained within the approved budget.

4.2        Although a response was received from the Cabinet Member a number of issues required further explanation. An informal meeting was therefore held between the Lead member for the enquiry, Councillor Geoff Lumley, the Cabinet Member, Councillor Jilly Wood and the Director of Finance, Paul Wilkinson. This was held on 4 October 2006.

4.3        From the information given by the Director of Finance it was clear that the Council was on target to meet approved budget. The Scrutiny Committee is therefore assured that the 2006-07 revenue budget will be delivered.

4.4        The second part of the enquiry focuses on the impact of the 2006-07 revenue budget. After 6 months of the financial year it is too early to have any clear evidence of any detrimental effect on service delivery. No concerns appear to have been forthcoming from service users that problems have been encountered. It is accepted that the majority of efficiencies were at a corporate level. The Committee do have concerns however as to the pressures that this places on staff and will be looking at staffing levels and correlations with sickness absence.





5.1        Scoping document for the enquiry as agreed at the Scrutiny Committee on 20 April 2006.

5.2        Report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Audit, Council Efficiency and Customer Champion to cabinet on 22 February 2006 – Revenue Budget.

5.3        Scoping document on the enquiry on the Use of Council Reserves, SC05/06, submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 30 May 2006 together with appendices.

5.4        Minutes of the Scrutiny Committee held on 27 July 2006.


Prepared by:





Cllr Geoff Lumley, Cllr Anne Bishop, Cllr heather Humby and Mrs Sue Poston.

April West & Paul Thistlewood, Overview & Scrutiny Team


2 November 2006