The Cabinet Member(s) will give consideration under delegated powers to the requests as detailed below.


Any member of the Council who wishes to express a view concerning the proposed decision(s), must make representations in writing to be received by Committee Services by the date given below.  The Cabinet Member(s) will not take the proposed decision until that date has passed.


A record of the decision shall be circulated to all Members via the Members Bulletin and shall be subject to the usual call in arrangements. 





Details of Proposed Decision, including Cabinet Member


Contact Details


Transfer of In-House Selective Tender Lists to Constructionline


Report to the Cabinet Member for Resources and Town / Parish Council Empowerment

Mike Cesar


01983 821000 ext. 3259


Representations to be received by:


Friday, 1 December 2006


Decision will not be taken before:


Monday, 4 December 2006



The report can be viewed by contacting Committee Services or be accessed on the Isle of Wight Council’s website at:­­_Powers/latestde.asp