Information Paper


Subject:        St Mary’s Road Car Park, Cowes – Proposed Multi Storey Car Park


Report by:   Tony Flower, Head of Property Services


Report Date: 18th July 2005





1.                    When the temporary use of Denmark Road car park closed in 2002 for redevelopment Cowes Town Council and Cowes Business Association requested that the Council as Highway Authority should investigate the possibility of increasing parking capacity on St Mary’s Road Car Park.  Cowes Town Council had already formally discussed possibilities with a car parking company.  During 2003 and up until June 2004 the Isle of Wight Council undertook a project to investigate the options for the redevelopment of St Mary’s Road car park to increase its capacity and improve the physical appearance of the area.  As the outcome of these investigations became clearer in 2004 a new Island wide parking proposal began to emerge.  Whilst this proposal has yet to be confirmed investor confidence in the commercial viability for the redevelopment has fallen to the extent that interested developers have withdrawn.




2.                    The St Mary’s Road car park is a former housing clearance area situated close to the centre of Cowes and the site offered the possibility of mixed development, including a multi storey car park with additional spaces, through private sector investment.  As such the process of investigation was in two parts, firstly initial expressions of interest were invited and secondly a more detailed design consultation and viability analysis.


3.                    This process was supported by a planning brief for the area and was used to market the site through the Council’s Agent, Drivers Jonas.  There were many expressions of interest and four proposals were received. 


4.                    As the expressions of interest all had similar characteristics Portfolio Holders asked that a more detailed staged tendering process be undertaken.


5.                    This detailed stage involved several key milestones for investors, namely:


a)      The four initial expressions of interest were invited to bring forward their proposals in more detail.


b)      These details came forward and were evaluated formally by a team of Officers with the list being shortened to two proposals on the basis that they best met the brief.


c)       The two competing proposals were then developed into formal drawings and presentations to go into a public wide consultation process.


d)      The consultation process included all key stakeholders as well as a public exhibition.  The outcome of this process was analysed independently by the Council’s Agent.


e)      With the availability of the outcome of this advice the two competing developers were invited to bring forward their full and final proposals, including a formal offer and these were received at the end of April 2004.


f)         The submissions were analysed in a report from the Council’s Agent and a draft report was prepared by Officers for circulation to stakeholders.  Due to changing circumstances and particularly the emerging proposed Island residents parking permit the report has not been presented for decision. 


Resource Implications


6.                    The cost of bringing forward the appraisal of options was some £5,000 for the initial work and estimated at a further £15,000 for the more detailed consultation, analysis and report all primarily undertaken by the Council’s Agents.  Expenditure has been £15,900 excluding in-house costs and time.  Both the Portfolio Holder for Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Transport were kept fully briefed as to the work being undertaken and agreed the work should proceed with the possibility of redevelopment and a capital receipt.


Areas for Scrutiny Consideration


7.                    Changes in Council policy have a significant effect on private investor confidence.


8.                    The parking difficulties for Cowes as a gateway port to the Island remain unresolved.


9.                    Whether the procedures adopted for cases of this nature could be improved to build community and investor confidence.


Contact:            Tony Flower, Head of Property Services ' 823263                  e-mail: [email protected]