Present :


Cllrs Geoff Lumley (Chairman), Anne Bishop, Brian Mosdell


Co-opted Member (voting):


Mrs Sue Poston


Co-opted Member (non-voting):


Mr Bob Blezzard




Cllrs William Burt, Deborah Gardiner, Heather Humby


Also Present (non-voting):


Cllrs George Brown, Vanessa Churchman, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Arthur Taylor




54.             MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 21 December 2006 be confirmed.




Mr Bob Blezzard declared a personal interest in Minute 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60 as he was a Member of Sandown Town Council.


56.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


The Chairman indicated that he would take the written question that had been received together with any oral questions as part of the agenda item relating to Enforcement of Planning Conditions later in the meeting.


57.             CAR PARKING SC13/06


Members were updated on the car parking enquiry that had commenced towards the end of 2006. Work had begun to review the effectiveness of the Council’s policies for on/off street and residents parking to ascertain whether existing Council policies were meeting the needs of all Island residents, businesses and visitors.


The Committee invited Mr Steve Porter Chairman of the Quality Transport Partnership (QTP), and Mr David Bottom, Board member representing the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Industry (IWCCTI) to put forward their views on car parking.


The QTP representative put forward the following views:


·         Traffic congestion was worsening and there were hot spots which needed to be addressed. A scheme, such as introducing congestion charges, could help ease the congestion problem in Newport. Charges would however be unattractive to visitors.

·         The way in which the car was currently used needed to be addressed. Cars should be used for supermarket shopping but the bus should be encouraged for other shopping.

·         Recent changes to the Southern Vectis bus service were good, however, bus services needed to be incorporated into an integrated transport system. 

·         The figures in the Transport Plan were encouraging for buses and pedestrians.

·         A park and ride system could be a viable option, however, parking charges in towns would need to be higher. There was a park and ride scheme in Reading which appeared to operate effectively.

·         The Highways Private Finance Initiative should assist in improving the road network.

·         The low cost of the parking permit encouraged car use. The permit needed to cost more than the price of the bus fare in order to encourage more people to use the bus and consequently reduce congestion.


The IWCCTI representative put forward the following views:


·         Feedback on the Island parking permit had been positive.

·         The strategic policy and development of the permit was questionable.

·         It was difficult to make comparisons between the Island and the mainland as the needs of the Island and its transport networks differed from those on the mainland.

·         The Council should lead by example and could promote a green travel plan. The County Hall staff car park should be available for use as a public car park.

·         Southern Vectis provided a good service, however, a holistic integrated transport approach was needed for the Island.

·         Traffic congestion in Newport was a major problem.

·         The Island needed to make the best use of its physical resources.

·         There was some scope for a park and ride system but the transport system was not currently joined up enough.

·         There were problems with access for pushchairs and the elderly on buses.

·         The park and ride system in Cowes was now proving to be a success since the bus timetable had improved.

·         The Island parking permit was inexpensive and proving to be popular with many residents.  It was not however cost effective for all residents and was more favourable to people who visited Newport. 

·         The parking permit was the first stage of the education process.


Members were informed that informal meetings on the enquiry would take place over the coming months and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport would be invited to attend the next formal meeting of the Committee. The Committee would hope to make recommendations in March/April 2007.




THAT the representatives of the Quality Transport Partnership and the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce, Tourism and Industry be thanked for their evidence.




The Chairman explained that this was not a formal enquiry and had been placed on the agenda at the request of the Committee’s representative from the Isle of Wight Association of Town and Parish Council’s.  The Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing attended for this item.


A written public question (PQ 03/07) was received from Mrs Cathy Mills, Development Officer for Brading Town Council, concerning resource issues relating to Planning Officers and whether all revenue received by the Local Planning Authority would be invested in that authority. The Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing provided a response.


An oral question was asked by a representative of Wootton Parish Council regarding the Council’s policy on enforcement and the delegated powers of Planning Officers.  The Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing provided a response and indicated that a written response would be sent in due course.


Members then sought clarification on the number of planning enforcement officers the Council had and whether this was sufficient.  They also noted from the response given by the Cabinet Member to the public questions that the existing policy was under review and sought a timeframe for this.


The Cabinet Member advised that as the result of restructuring within the Development Control Section the number of officers dealing specifically with enforcement had been reduced.  However all officers now incorporated such work within their duties.  The compilation of a new Policy would enable the Council to ascertain how many staff would be required to undertake enforcement action.  The Cabinet Member stated that the review of the Policy would be completed within six months.


The Director of Regeneration and Development further explained that the Policy Commission for Safer Communities was shortly due to consider a blue paper regarding enforcement of a range of Council activities. The Director stated that there was scope for the voluntary sector to assist with enforcement and stressed the importance of setting enforceable conditions when applications were approved to enable effective enforcement to be carried out.




That the proposed review of the Planning Enforcement Policy be noted.




(i)                Car Parking (SC 13/06)


The Lead Member informed the Committee that meetings were due to be held the following week regarding the car parking enquiry with relevant officers. 


(ii)              Members Allowances (SC 17/06)


The Members allowances enquiry was nearing completion and a final report was due to go to the next formal meeting in February. 


(iii)            Use of Consultants (SC 10/06)


Members were informed that the problems associated with this enquiry had now been resolved and further information relevant to the enquiry was being obtained.


(iv)             Call In – Constructionline – Update


The Chairman advised on action taken following the call in of Delegated Decision 53/06 regarding Constructionline. The recommendations had been forwarded to the Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment following the meeting.  The Cabinet Member had responded stating that she would implement the decision but however agreed to talk further with local businesses.


60.             FORWARD PLAN


Members considered the Forward Plan for February 2007 to June 2007. It was felt that the Value for Money Review of Leisure – Outcome of the Leisure Needs Analysis could be added to the Committee’s workplan at a later date.


The Committee requested clarification of the proposed consultation process with stakeholders the Boundary Review. Details of this would be requested from the Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment and circulated to the Committee.


The Committee requested to know the consultation deadline on the Bay Area Action Plan and wished to see the results of the consultation prior to it going to the Cabinet for approval in June 2007.


The Chairman expressed concern that there were eight items on the Forward Plan for decision at Full Council on 21 March 2007.


The Committee also requested details regarding the allocation of the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships responsibilities during his career break. Details would be forwarded to the Committee.


The Chairman reported that he had been notified by Southern Water that the hosepipe ban had now been lifted.



                                            i.          That consideration be given to adding the Value for Money Review of Leisure – Outcome of the Leisure Needs Analysis to the Committee’s workplan at a later date


                                          ii.          That details of the Boundary Review consultation be requested from the Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment and circulated to the Committee


                                        iii.          That the Committee see the results of the consultation on the Bay Area Action Plan prior to it going to the Cabinet for approval in June 2007.


                                        iv.          That details regarding the allocation of responsibilities of the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships be forwarded to the Committee.