The Gambling Act 2005 gives effect to the governments proposals for reform of the law on gambling and creates a new system of licensing and regulation for commercial gambling in this country, other than the National Lottery and spread betting.


Amongst other things it gives to local authorities new and extended responsibilities for licensing premises for gambling. In some cases those build on existing responsibilities but in other areas they transfer to local authorities, responsibilities which previously lay with local magistrates.

The Gambling Act 2005 comes fully into force in September 2007. In preparation each licensing authority is required to develop, consult on and publish a statement of its licensing policy. The statement must set out the principles which the authority proposes to apply in exercising its licensing functions under the Act.


The Isle of Wight Council will be holding presentations to explain the Gambling Act 2005 and to discuss the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy at Newport Football Club, St Georges Park, St Georges Way, Newport, IOW, on the following dates:



Thursday 21 September 2006                 2pm until 4.00pm    and


Thursday 21 September 2006                 7pm until 9.00pm.



Copies of the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy can be viewed on line at; in all public libraries or at the offices below


All comments should be sent in writing by 30 October 2006 to:


Licensing Section

Environmental Health

Jubilee Stores,

The Quay,


Isle of Wight, PO30 2EH