Present :


Mr A A Taylor (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr I Bulwer, Mr G Cameron, Mr  C   B   W   Chapman, Mr   M  J  Cunningham, Miss  H   Humby, Mrs    M   J   Miller, Mr    B    Mosdell, Lady   Pigot, Mrs   S   Scoccia, Mr I R Stephens (deputising for Mrs B E Foster)


Apologies :   

                        Mrs B E Foster, Mr D Whittaker, Mr J Whittaker


Also Present (non-voting) :  


                        Mr B E Abraham



1.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


Interests were declared in the following matters:


Mr J R Adams declared a prejudicial interest in Minute No 2(a) Taxi Zoning and Minute 2(b) the adoption of a policy with respect to the seating capacity of wheelchair accessible Hackney Carriages, as Mr D Pritchard was a personal friend. 


Mrs M J Miller declared a personal interest in Minute 2(a) Taxi Zoning, as the objector ob behalf of independent taxi proprietors lived in her ward.


Lady Pigot declared a personal interest in Minute 2(a) Taxi Zoning and Minute 2(b) the adoption of a policy with respect to the seating capacity of wheelchair accessible Hackney Carriages, as Mr D Pritchard was known to her.




Mr J R Adams withdrew from the meeting, thereby taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon in accordance with Minute No 1.


(a)               Taxi Zoning


The Committee adjourned to read the two letters of objection and one letter of support with regard to the proposal to establish a single taxi licensing zone on the Isle of Wight, which had been received.


Upon reconvening, Members were referred to the report of the Head of Consumer Protection, which detailed the background to the longstanding proposal to reduce the current position from four taxi licensing zones, on the Island, to a single taxi licensing zone and requested approval that a formal submission to that effect be made to the Secretary of State.  Particular mention was made of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) report into the Taxi trade, which had been published in November 2003 and to the Governments response to that report, made by way of a Written Statement to Parliament in March 2004, which indicated agreement that greater clarity would be brought to the market if local authorities established a single licensing area.   Members also noted the comments from the Deputy Transport Director, at the Government Office of the South East, in the letter dated 21 October 2004 to the previous leader of the Council.


In discussion, it was emphasized that the issue to be considered was dezoning only and not the deregulation of the taxi trade.  Once the Secretary of State authorized dezoning on the island the decision could not be reversed. The matter also formed part of the Council’s integrated Local Transport Plan and that failure to address the issue could impact on transport related grants. 


Mrs J Rounsevell, representing independent taxi proprietors on the island, addressed the Committee speaking against the proposal.  Mrs Rounsevell suggested that a Working Party be established to discuss the issue and for a survey to be undertaken to ascertain the views of the taxi trade and other interested bodies.  The Government was due to produce a Best Practice Guide for Local Authorities about the taxi trade and that any reform of current practice should await the publication of this document.


Mr J Quilter, a taxi proprietor, highlighted concerns of the proposal on behalf of the taxi trade with regard to a perceived reduction in taxi income; would be detrimental to those living in rural areas; that de-zoning in the area of the former South Wight Borough Council was not efficient; that the quality of service provision would decrease.


Mr J Gunter, on behalf of Hackney Carriage/Private Hire drivers, outlined objections to the proposal suggesting a status quo as the current procedure worked well to the benefit of both the taxi trade and consumers.


Following further discussion and questions by all parties, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.


                        RESOLVED :


THAT, under Section 100(A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public, it was indicated that the Committee had given regard to the report of the Head of Consumer Protection including appendices, the written submissions from Mr A Greenman, Mr D Pritchard and ‘Anywhere’ Taxis, the oral submissions of the Council’s Environmental Health Manager and Principal Licensing Officer, and the representatives of the taxi trade Mrs J Rounsevell, Mr J Gunter and Mr J Quilter.


The Committee felt that the removal of separate taxi zones for the Isle of Wight and replacing it with one zone would have the following benefits:


a.                  Taxi provision would be able to respond to any changes in the requirements of the consumer;


b.                  Busy town centres would be cleared quickly at peak times, which would provide better services to the public by reducing waiting times;


c.                  It would help to reduce any crime and disorder problems, which could arise as people wait for transport late at night;


d.                  Healthy competition between taxis would be encouraged by allowing taxis to trade anywhere on the island to the benefit of consumers;


e.                  The current practice of four zones provided an unnecessary obstacle to taxis being an efficient part of the Islands Transport Network.


The Committee thereupon




THAT a single taxi zone for taxi licensing on the Isle of Wight be supported and that a formal submission to that effect be made to the Secretary of State for Transport.


(b)       Adoption of a Policy with respect to Seat Capacity of Wheelchair Accessible Hackney Carriages


The report of the Head of Consumer Protection was received which outlined a proposed policy, in order to promote consistency in officer decisions, with respect to the permitted seating capacity of purpose built wheelchair accessible taxis and other similar type of vehicles used as hackney carriages.


Members were reminded of previous decisions taken by the Licensing Committee.  The Council’s current practice was to licence vehicles for a maximum of six passengers, which then ensured that the space next to the driver could be used for luggage, when necessary, and gave further protection to the drivers’ safety. Proprietors of Eurotaxis, purpose built with seven passenger seats, were requested to remove the front passenger seat.


Mr White and Mrs J Rounsevell, both Hackney Carriage/Private Hire taxi proprietors and drivers, spoke in support of the proposed policy.


Following further discussion and questions, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.


                        RESOLVED :


THAT, under Section 100(A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening, it was indicated that the Committee had considered carefully the report of the Head of Consumer Protection and were satisfied that the need to store some wheelchair accessible equipment would reduce luggage space and that the front footwell area would provide the space needed by passengers.  The presence of a passenger in the drivers’ compartment could present a potential threat to driver safety, which would defeat the object of any partition.




i           THAT a policy restricting the seating capacity to six passengers within the passenger compartment of the vehicle type, as specified below, be approved thereby allowing room for luggage in the front of the vehicle :


All vehicles of similar design to the vehicle commonly known as the                                                             ‘London Cab’;


All FX, TX and other wheelchair accessible hackney carriages such as Metrocab;


All approved multi-purpose vehicles and other conversions with low volume build or full M1 Type Approval Certificates by the Vehicle Certification Agency.


ii          THAT any such vehicle currently licensed for seven passengers to be for that particular vehicle only.




