Our Reference: 017217/DCB                                                                                     11 March 2006

(Please quote in all correspondence)



Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Draft Conditions – Public Consultation



To all Taxi and Private Hire Drivers/Proprietors/Operators


Dear Sir/Madam


Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing: Consultation on conditions.


  1. The purpose of this consultation exercise is to invite your views by 17 April 2006, on the draft Conditions which have been prepared to assist hackney carriage proprietors; drivers; private hire operators and consumers.


  1. The consultation exercise also invites your views in respect of the knowledge test for hackney carriage drivers.





  1. On 17 January 2006, the Isle of Wight Council Regulatory Committee decided to combine the four existing zones for hackney carriage licensing on the Isle of Wight. This means that from a date yet to be agreed, all taxis on the Isle of Wight will be able to stand on taxi ranks and pick up customers anywhere on the Island. The situation for private hire vehicles will remain the same.


  1. The rules under which taxis must currently operate are set out in byelaws and conditions. Private hire vehicles, drivers and operators must each conduct themselves under a set of conditions that are set by the Council.


  1. The byelaws and conditions for the Isle of Wight Council have not been updated since 1995.

Draft Conditions


  1. The Isle of Wight Council are legally allowed to attach conditions to taxi and private hire licences. The Council may attach any conditions that it considers are reasonably necessary.


  1. The Isle of Wight Council supports the view that all taxis and private hire vehicles must be easily identifiable, accessible and safe. Public safety is paramount and the conditions placed on vehicles, drivers and operators must reflect this.


  1. The draft conditions can be viewed online at www.iwight.com; in all public libraries or at the Licensing Section Offices, Jubilee Stores, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2EH.


Knowledge Test


  1. An applicant for a hackney carriage/private hire drivers licence must pass a knowledge test before a licence will be granted.


  1. This tests the applicant’s knowledge of the area, the conditions of the licence and other legal requirements.


  1. Currently a different knowledge test is conducted for each zone. The amalgamation of the zones will require only one knowledge test for all drivers.


  1. The Isle of Wight Council supports the view that hackney carriage and private hire drivers should have a good working knowledge of the rules under which they are licensed and the area in which they work.


  1. The draft knowledge test can be viewed online at www.iwight.com; in all public libraries or at the Licensing Section, Jubilee Stores, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2EH.


Consultation Responses


  1. A questionnaire can obtained from the Licensing Section, Jubilee Stores, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2EH; using it would help us to consider your comments in an organised and logical manner. Electronic copies of the form can be found on-line at



  1. A list of the initial consultees can be viewed online at www.iwight.com. If you think any other organisation should see this document please let us know.


  1. Please send responses to by 17 April 2006 to the licensing section in one of the following ways:


    1. In writing to Licensing Section Jubilee Stores, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2EH.


    1. By fax to (01983) 823159


    1. By e-mail to: [email protected]


  1. If you are responding as a representative organisation, please include in your response a summary of the people and organisations which you represent.


Copies of Response


  1. A summary of the comments received and our resultant actions will be published on the Isle of Wight Council website http://www.iwight.com.  by 17 May 2006. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires public authorities to disclose certain information they hold if it is requested subject to specified exemptions. This includes information contained in responses to consultations. The Licensing Section will generally publish the information it discloses under FOI on its website. If you ask for your response to be kept confidential this will only be possible if it is consistent with the applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act.


Conduct of this Consultation


  1. This consultation is being conducted in accordance with the Isle of Wight Council Consultation Strategy (October 2005). If however you have any comments or complaints to make about the way the consultation process has been conducted – as distinct from comments on the proposals in the consultation paper – you should contact Warren Haynes (Environmental Health Manager) at the above address




  1. Enquiries about the contents of this consultation paper should be made to David Curtis-Botting (Licensing Officer) at the above address.


Further Copies


  1. This document is available on the Isle of Wight Council web-site http://www.iwight.com. Alternatively, requests for further copies should be made to Karen Logan at the above address. Please note that a charge for photocopying etc may be applied.



Yours faithfully






David Curtis-Botting

Licensing Officer