1. From: John Murphy [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:03 PM
    To: Davies, Gareth
    Cc: 'Wade'
    Subject: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Lincense Conditions Etc.
    Importance: High
    Sensitivity: Confidential



On behalf of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association, I wish to confirm that it is the association’s intention to submit an alternative report to the Regulatory Committee at the same time as the officers present the report on the proposed new conditions. This report will contain the trades views on the officers conditions and where appropriate the trades own conditions.  This the Trade believe is necessary for the following reasons:-

v     The short consultation period the Trade believe they received on such an important issue which will affect people’s livelihoods’.

v     At least 5 days were during the busy Easter Holiday period for the Trade. Unlike some other occupations the trade delivers a service within the Islands integrated Transport service providing a 24hr. transport service on the Island.

v     Insufficient time for the Trade Association to consult its members and collate their views.

v     Not all Proprietors and Drivers are on the internet (some of those who are on the internet could not find some or all of the conditions).

v     Some proprietors could not download the Questionnaire to answer same.

v     Lack of consultation by officers with the trade, some attempt should have been made by officers’ to reach a compromise, prior to any report being submitted to committee.

v     Other proprietors and drivers did not know about the consultation.

Trade do not wish officers to review all the comments and decide which are appropriate. This is one of the reasons for a separate report.

The trade are willing to have further consultation meetings with officers prior to any report being submitted. Once again the Trade ask why the rush? When up to 350 people’s livelihoods are at risk if the wrong decisions are made at this time.


John Murphy.

On behalf of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association.