Appendix 2





This enforcement Policy explains what happens when we find infringements of Trading Standards law. For enforcement to be fair it is important that we are open and clear about the basis on which we take action.


Our Service


The Isle of Wight Trading Standards Service is committed to protecting the public and maintaining fair trading for all businesses. The Trading Standards Service covers the following areas of law:










We use advice as the main method of ensuring that businesses comply with legal requirements. We inspect business premises, test products, give talks, and publish a range of leaflets. When we receive an enquiry we aim to respond within 2 working days to phone messages, and 5 working days to letters, e-mails etc. Complex matters may take longer and we will give a full reply or progress report within 20 working days. (For full details of our service standards see Isle of Wight Council leaflet “Customer Service Standards”, available from our information Centres or Isle of Wight Council website:


We believe that prevention is better than cure. The service operates a Buy With Confidence’ scheme that is intended to raise standards of fair trading by approving  local businesses and recommending them to consumers. Please contact us for further information. (See contact details at the end of this policy) or log on to


What you can expect of our staff


You are entitled to expect our staff:













Action we take if the law is contravened


When we find a breach of the law, in the majority of cases we deal with the matter by advice. However, in more serious cases, we can take a variety of actions, including:


·        Verbal or written warning


·        Indirect action e.g. referral to another authority for action


·        Formal caution


·        Injunction, Undertaking


·        Suspension, seizure or voluntary surrender of goods


·        Prosecution and/or forfeiture of goods


Before any legal action is taken there will be an opportunity to discuss the case, although when we are considering a prosecution this will be at a formal interview. In less serious cases, as an alternative to prosecution, we may give the option of signing a formal admission that an offence has been committed.


Where immediate action is necessary an explanation will be given at the time and confirmed in writing, usually within 5 working days, and always within 10 working days. Where there are rights of appeal these will be clearly set out in writing at the time the action is taken. We will provide this information in the appropriate language where English is not the traders first language.


Our policies provide for situations and co-operation where we share an enforcement role with other agencies e.g. environmental health department for food matters; police for under-age sales of alcohol etc.



Taking Legal Action


In deciding what action to take, a number of factors will be taken into consideration, including:-











Prosecution is the last resort and only taken in cases that involve serious offences relating to public health or safety, deception, continued negligence, obstruction or wilful non-compliance. The decision to prosecute is taken by a senior manager:





Good Enforcement Practice


The Isle of Wight Council has signed the Government’s Enforcement Concordat (copy available on request or visit


to show its commitment to good enforcement practices.


We endeavour to serve the people of the Isle of Wight by working with the business community to ensure fair and safe trading and thriving economy. We take particular care to help small businesses, voluntary and community organisations meet legal obligations with minimal expense.


The operation of this policy is monitored by the Trading Standards Manager and Trading Standards Team Leaders by processes under the National Performance Framework for Trading Standards Services and in accordance with the Local Authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services’ Guide to Good Practice in Trading Standards.


If you have any comments on the Enforcement Policy or would like further information then please contact us.

Telephone:        01983 823370

Fax:                  01983 823387

Email:               [email protected]





This policy is available in large print and alternative languages on request.






VERSION 1.1 RDS 14/12/05