9 September 2005


Dear Councillor Williams




I am writing to set out Unison’s views and comments regarding the decriminalisation of car parking and the implications of this for staff and their provision of this service.  Having had the opportunity to consult with Unison Members working in the Council’s Car Parks Section, I wish to make the following points:


1.                  There is no opposition to the principle of moving in the direction of the decriminalisation of this function.  As far as I have been able to ascertain the entire staff group are happy to embrace the implications of this change provided they are given the proper instructions and training to enable them to undertake the new responsibilities entailed in taking on this work.  Indeed a number of staff seem very positive about such a change and see it as an opportunity to learn new skills and develop their careers.  Plainly, if a range of new responsibilities are undertaken, there will be a need to review the grading of a number of posts – albeit not every post may change in terms of duties.


2.                  There is a unanimous view amongst the staff group - both in terms of office staff and car park alterations – that they believe the optimum arrangement in terms of service delivery is for the car park function to continue to be provided on an “in-house” basis.  The experience of externalisation in an Island context is not seen as a happy one in terms of pay and conditions of service and this, by and large, very low paid staff group are naturally fearful of the likely consequences of privatisation in this respect.  The point is also being strongly made that any erosions in pay do, over a period, have a significant knock on effect on the Island’s economy in terms of purchasing power.


3.                  Unison has undertaken research as to the path followed by other authorities in the South of England who have already gone down the route of decriminalisation.  It appears that, of the nine councils who have already embraced decriminalisation, seven of them continue to provide the service on a fully “in-house” basis.  Only two authorities have externalised part of the service.  Unison believes that the Car Parking Section on the Isle of Wight has always provided an efficient, value for money service and believes it can continue to do this on an “in-house” basis in a situation in which it takes on any additional functions.


I should be grateful if you would arrange for these representations to be forwarded to all Councillors in advance of the forthcoming meeting due to examine this whole question.


If you wish to speak about any aspect of the matter further please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely






Branch Secretary



D G Williams Esq CC

Flat 6

Caernarvon Lodge

2 Clarence Road


Isle of Wight      PO37 7BH