
Policy Commission for Safer Communities




15 March 2007


18:00 hours


Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport

Purpose of meeting

Formal Public Meeting




Cllrs David Williams (Chair); Vanessa Churchman; Diana Tuson; Henry Adams; Mike Cunningham.


Cllr Barry Abraham

Cabinet Secretariat


Other Councillors

Cllr Jilly Wood


Mr Stuart Love, Miss Louise Biggs, Mr Warren Haynes, Mrs V Sampson.

Stake holders



 Cllrs Heather Humby; Susan Scoccia; Alan Wells; David Pugh.

Agenda Items


1          To agree the evidence arising at the meeting held on 1 February 2007 (Paper A)

1.1         The notes of the previous meeting were agreed. 


1.2         Cllr Churchman advised the meeting that Cherie Blair had expressed an interest in and support for, restorative justice.


2          Declarations of interest

2.1          There were no declarations of interest.


3          To consider and agree the Blue Paper on Corporate Enforcement (enquiry Saf 4.05)

3.1         Cllr Williams expressed his thanks to all those involved in the preparation of the Blue Paper.


3.2         Stuart Love also wanted to thank all those involved and stated there was still work to be done around environmental and planning enforcement.


3.3         Options A-F were presented and discussed. Adopting a joined up approach would be essential to improve efficiencies and ensure best practice.


3.4         Corporate GIS systems were discussed. Cllr Jilly Wood had received information on software which enabled different GIS systems to communicate with one another.  This would be forwarded to Stuart Love and Cllr Williams.  One GIS system


         was needed for the whole council, currently there are several.


3.5         From 2 April 2007, the Council would be issuing Parking Tickets under new decriminalised parking legislation. Concerns were raised regarding false names and addresses being provided by members of the public.  It was confirmed that we would be able to access DVLC information, which would enable offenders to be traced.


3.6         There would be a media campaign to draw attention to the new enforcement arrangements.


3.7         Town managers may have enforcement powers for environmental crime activities.


3.8         The issue of poor planning enforcement and the need for more staff was raised.


3.9         Pavement parking and how this would be dealt with was discussed.  The issue of work vehicles parked in residential areas was also raised.  Vehicles illegally parked would be dealt with in the normal way, but resident’s parking across the Island would need to be looked at in further detail in the future.


3.10     The committee was advised that this council had been invited to participate in phase 2 of the pilot.


4          Action

4.1         It was agreed to adopt all options apart from Option A.


4.2         Option C would include wording regarding collection of fines and follow-up on tickets issued.


The meeting closed at 6.50 pm.