
Policy Commission for Safer Communities





1 June 2006




Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport

Purpose of meeting

Formal public meeting




Cllrs David Williams (Chair); Henry Adams; Heather Humby; Susan Scoccia; Arthur Taylor; Diana Tuson


Cllrs Barry Abraham; Andy Sutton




Miss Louise Biggs; Mr Warren Haynes; Mr Steve Milford; Mr Rob Owen; Mr Andrew Shorkey; Ms April West;

Other Members

Cllrs Mike Cunningham; Jilly Wood

Stake holders / Experts



Cllr Vanessa Churchman

Agenda Items


1.      To agree the evidence arising at the meeting held on 4 May 2006 (Paper A)   

The notes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record of the evidence received subject to the following amendments:


Under item 2, ‘the financial year 2005/6’ should be replaced by ‘previous years’.


Under item 3, ‘2005/6 was’ should be replaced by ‘2006/7 would be’


2.      Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.



3.      ‘Head On’ – Presentation by Mr Paul Street, Brigade Manager

1.    An official launch for the ‘Head On’ DVD and safe driving programme would take place at 7pm, 13 June 2006 at Medina Theatre.


2.    The DVD had been produced locally and cost £18K.


3.    The campaign/DVD was primarily aimed at young people between the ages of 14-17 years.  Family members were secondary targets.


4.    The project was led by Fire in partnership with the Police, Ambulance, Health services and others.


5.    The project had received wide-spread support from Headteachers and school governors.  The campaign ties in with the school curriculum. 


6.    Other Fire Services throughout the country were interested in using the DVD as part of their speed reduction campaigns.


7.    All services and service professionals who took part in this project did so free of charge.


8.    10 actors were used in the DVD.  All other roles were undertaken by service professionals.


9.    A road traffic collision costs on average £1.2M.


10. There was a need to make speeding as socially unacceptable as drink driving.


11. Safety facilities within cars did not stop the internal injuries caused to the body by accidents that took place at great speed.


4.      VFM Exercise on the Future of the Crematorium: To approve the amended Blue Paper – Cllrs David Williams and Arthur Taylor (Paper F)


12. The Chairman and Councillor Taylor tabled an amended Blue Paper following review and questions raised at Directors Group and the Aim High Strategy Group. 


13. The report had been amended to clarify that the crematorium made a net contribution to the Council’s budget and to direct readers to appendices which outlined projected revenue streams.


14. Option F which related to how to fund capital requirements was deleted as funding options would be a matter for the Chief Financial Officer.


15. The recommendations of the report had been altered to reflect that any decisions over funding would be made by the Chief Financial Officer according to the most efficient methodology identified at the time and to ensure that funding provision for future anticipated costs was planned for.


16. The substance of, and basis for, the recommendations remained unchanged.


17. There was unanimous support from all Commission Members and other Members present for the amended recommendations.  


5.      Work Programme – To agree the scoping documents to initiate the following enquiries:


a.       CCTV Strategy (Fixed & Mobile) – Saf1/06 (Paper B)

20.   Cllr Heather Humby would be the Lead Member for this enquiry.


b.       Community Restorative Justice – Saf2/06 (Paper C)

21.   Cllr Susan Scoccia would be the Lead Member for this enquiry with support from Cllr Henry Adams.


22.   It was noted that there were close ties between this enquiry and the Civic Pride agenda.


c.        Environmental Crime Strategy – Saf3/06 (Paper D)

23.    Cllr Vanessa Churchman would be the Lead Member for this enquiry.


24.    It was noted that this enquiry should be related to Corporate Enforcement (Saf4/05).


25.    It was noted that the promotion of the single non-emergency number should be included within this enquiry.


26.    It was noted that dog foul would be considered under ‘other such antisocial environmental offences’.


27.    There were currently a number of initiatives underway that would feed into this strategy.


28.    It was noted that the Safer Communities Partnership were currently working on an Island-wide fixed penalty notice that could be used in conjunction with an Island-wide designated land order.


29.    Dog wardens were currently being given a wider Community Support Officer brief.

d.       Neighbourhood approaches to road safety – Saf4/06 (Paper E)


30.    Cllr Arthur Taylor would be the Lead Member for this enquiry.




1.        Forward the approved Blue Paper to Cabinet.



2.        Amend scoping documents.



3.        Co-ordinate preliminary planning meetings with Lead Members, Lead Officers and the Project Lead.

Overview and Scrutiny Team


Overview and Scrutiny Team


Overview and Scrutiny Team