Action Plan for Trust Board re Child Protection Annual Report






Children communicating distress.



Action Plan.




Progress  /







Benchmarking IOW within regional and national perspective.



Statistical and epidemiological analysis of  Isle of Wight  children’s admissions  within a regional and national picture, given that the island  has the benefit of co-terminosity of assessment of need with one provider unit.



Dr Paul Bingham,


April 2006.







Primary Care Universal service provision.


Sharing of report and action plan with child protection leads for child protection  within each  general practitioner practice  and ideas to progress prevention within primary care.


Jane Wilshaw,

Rachael Hayes,

Dr  Denham – Johnson.


April 2006.





Admission of children to Accident and Emergency department as an emergency following an incident of Deliberate self harm, defined as over dose of alcohol, drugs or self harm such as cutting.



All children admitted to St Mary’s Hospital are transferred to the children’s acute ward, under the care of the paediatric consultant and paediatric registered nurses to give the child time and space, for assessment of need and referral to other agencies as appropriate.



A senior Children’s registered nurse is developing specialist skills and expertise in the care of the adolescent in need.



Robin Beal/  Sarah Turner





Sally Stewart












Admissions of children following ingestion of alcohol and drugs.



Links have been forged with the Young Person’s Substance abuse team and referral of all appropriate children with the child’s permission has been implemented.

 Young person’s substance misuse team regularly visit the children’s ward and have face-to-face contact with the nursing staff concerned.



Sally Stewart



Sue Lightfoot









  Child assessed as in need of protection from significant harm.




All children are assessed from the perspective of harm, and a referral is made to social services colleagues of all children perceived to be at risk of harm.

The telephone referral is followed up with twenty four hour by written referral (Laming standard)

All children admitted with self harm who are registered on the Child Protection Register are notified to Referral and Assessment team in hours or Wightcare out of hours by Accident & Emergency department as protocol.

Social service colleagues are considering whether they would like a referral of all children who are admitted but currently have decided the referral criteria should be those children considered by health to be at risk.



Sally Stewart









Kate Freeman
















Paediatric Liaison


The paediatric liaison service acts as a safety net to ensure that all children have an action plan to address their immediate needs and that information has been shared with the appropriate services under the ethos of “Working together to safeguard the child” 1989/2004.

Paediatric Liaison picks up children who refuse admission to the Children’s Ward and who at the time, were not assessed as in immediate risk of harm.



Sally Stewart


Daily liaison







Statistical analysis


Children’s services (Health) collate all admissions to the paediatric ward and statistically analyse the stats for the benefit of interagency colleagues on an annual basis or more frequently as requested. 

Liaison has been developed with the Public Health Department, who would like to review and analyse admission trends over time.



Sally Stewart



Paul Bingham



April 06






Admission of Children possibly assaulted / bullied in school



Admissions of children who record “ bullying / assaults in school” are collated from the admission register and this information is shared on request with the Principle Education officer.

Negotiations are taking place for a copy of the incident/ accident form completed by the school to accompany the child to the A & E Department to assist in information sharing.

This issued was also highlighted by the Medical Director at a recent National Bullying conference held on the IW.


Sally Stewart



Rob Faulkner



April 06












Interagency Debate.


Close joint working has been developed as a result of circulating the Child Protection Annual Report 2004/5  (health) and related reports with the Local Authority “Safer Communities” department to look at cross cultural solutions to difficult to reach children in need.

The report has been shared and discussed at the Children’s Trust Meeting, The Area Child Protection Committee, The Health Reps Regional Committee, Joint working Group between Adult Mental Health / Child Care and the Clinical Leads Child Protection Meeting to facilitate joined up working.




Simon Smith




Jane Dowdell


On going








Interagency Training.


The Associate Director for Child and Family care group facilitated three interagency “Reflection and Review” sessions on the topic of Adolescent Deliberate Self, reviewing recent research, risk factors and trigger points since the publication of the Child Protection Annual Report.



Jane Dowdell






Children’s Commission, IOW Council 


The Authors of the Annual Report, Associate Director and Medical Director have been asked to appear before the Council’s Children’s Commission to discuss the report from a health perspective.



 Children’s Commission.








Health Promotion – To raise awareness of dangers of  underage drinking.


An alcohol strategy is being developed with public health lead from “Safer Communities. Liaison to incorporate under age drinking.

Pilot on health promotion in risk taking behaviour in Year 9 in school due to commence in January 06.

Reduction of underage drinking is a Safer Communities “Must Do”.



Sue Lightfoot




Jan 06.