The Commission is required to make recommendations for School Improvements by July 2005.


In view of the time constraints, and without having had a formal Commission meeting, the recommendations are based upon the outcome of the meeting with Island stakeholders on 8th June and the discussions at the Commission Training Session on 16th June.


With regret the recommendations are made without the input of Opposition Members who were unable to attend these important meetings.  The Commission looks forward to their contribution to the continuing debate and development of policies.


·        Following discussions between Island stakeholders on 8th June, to address

improving standards in Island schools, it was determined that the relationships

with delegates should be maintained in order to engage the whole Island community.  This will ensure that there is an open dialogue, encompassing

the exchange of ideas from different sectors of the community, in order that the

educational debate is widened and invigorated by fresh perspectives and ideas.


Following that meeting, important areas were identified for future scrutiny and policy development by the Commission.  Our initial recommendations are that:


·        School clusters will be further supported and developed to ensure an integrated service both vertically within the clusters and horizontally between them.  Good practice will be identified and incorporated to assist in improving those schools which are not thriving or which are currently failing.  Where schools are found to be weak or failing, the emphasis will be on encouraging this to be seen in the context of the whole community addressing the problems of, and supporting, schools in their work of improving standards


·        An effective dialogue will be further developed between the Commission, School Governors and the LEA, with continued improvements in the training of School Governors.


·        In addition to other education professionals, the views and experience of classroom teachers will be sought to assist in devising successful strategies to improve standards in education.  The Commission will place a strong emphasis on seeking their input in policy development.


·        The Commission recognises that it is critical to engage with parents, both those who are parent-Governors and those who are not.  The Commission and the LEA will actively seek to develop ways to fully involve parents with their children’s education and to keep an open dialogue with them and the children.