
Children and School Results Commission


CPC 05/07/06


Wednesday, 5 July 2006 18.00 to 18.22


Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight

Purpose of meeting

Formal public meeting


Commission members – Cllrs Melanie Swan (Commissioner), Wendy Arnold, George Cameron,  Gill Kennett, Cllr Lady Pigot

Apologies – Cllr Deborah Gardiner

Cabinet member –  Cllr Patrick Joyce

Cabinet Secretaries –  Cllrs David Pugh and Alan Wells

Officers – Mr Ian Sandbrook, Mr Keith Simmonds, Mrs Rose Ward; Mr Simon Dear, Miss April West, Mr Paul Thistlewood

Agenda Items


1.                       Notes of previous meeting

The notes of the meeting held on 7 June 2006 were agreed.

2.                       Declarations of interest

Cllr G Kennett declared a personal interest in the Children and Young People’s Trust item due to her paid employment.

3.          Children and Young People’s  Trust – C5/05

Papers considered :-  draft Blue Paper presented by Mr I Sandbrook, Strategic Director for Children’s Services.


General points arising :-


      i.             There was still an unresolved issue relating to Health representation on the Trust Board due to changes involving the PCT and Health Trust.

    ii.             Connexions were consulting with young people as to how their representative should be appointed.

  iii.             There was a need for crime and disorder implications to be included within the Blue Paper.


Recommendation :-


That subject to the inclusion of relevant wording on crime and disorder the Cabinet Member for Health and Community Wellbeing be recommended to approve the governance arrangements for the Isle of Wight Children and Young People’s Trust.


4.          Schools Improvement Programme – C1/05

Paper considered – draft Blue Paper submitted by Mr I Sandbrook, Strategic Director for Children’s Services.


General points arising :-


      i.           The changes being introduced would have an impact in the medium to longer term. There was unlikely to be a significant impact on 2006 results.

    ii.           Principles of school improvement apply to all partners and not just the Council.

  iii.          Sufficient capacity within the School Improvement Team but investment needed across the whole system particularly in school leadership.

  iv.          There were likely to be issues related to school improvement arising in the future but there was a need to conclude the current work.

    v.         The National Association of Head Teachers had just submitted several further comments on the protocols which could be incorporated within the final document.


Recommendation :-


That the Cabinet Member for Children be recommended that in order to ensure that the Local Authority is meeting its statutory duties and to raise standards in education the School Improvement Strategy and the Procedures and Protocols for monitoring, support, challenge and intervention be adopted for implementation.