
Children and School Results Commission


CPC 05/04/06


Wednesday, 5 April 2006  18.00 to 19.05


Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight

Purpose of meeting

Formal public meeting


Commission members – Cllrs Melanie Swan (Commissioner), Wendy Arnold, George Cameron, , Gill Kennett, Lady Pigot

Apologies – Cllr Deborah Gardiner Canon David Isaacs (C of E Diocese), Mrs Urszula Topp (RC Diocese)

Officers –Mr Ian Sandbrook, Mrs Pru Grimshaw, Mr Doug Wright, Mr Paul Thistlewood, Miss April West

Other members present – Cllrs Geoff Lumley, Andy Sutton, David Whittaker

Agenda Items


1.         Notes of previous meeting

The notes of evidence of the meeting held on 1 March 2006 were agreed.

2.         Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3.         The Isle of Wight Children’s Trust C5/05 – Governance Arrangements

Papers considered :-  Report of Mr I Sandbrook, Strategic Director of Children’s Services.

Evidence :-


     i.                  The report had been requested at the meeting of the Commission on 1 March 2006.

    ii.                  Highlighted that the Children’s Trust would not involve a legal agreement but formal partnership working.

  iii.                  Governance arrangements to be in place by the time of the formal launch of the Trust in October 2006 at the Big Day Out.

  iv.                  The Children’s Trust Board should comprise of non paid executive members.

   v.                  There was a duty on the Council and its partners to establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board by April 2006.

  vi.                  The Local Safeguarding Children Board would seek an independent chairperson.

vii.                  Given the legal responsibility placed upon the Cabinet Member for Children it would be appropriate for the postholder to be the Chairman of the Trust Board.

viii.                  To be able to vote on the Trust Board the young people representatives would need to be 18 years of age.

  ix.                  The young people representatives would receive an advocate or mentoring support.

   x.                  The Trust Board should also make provision for an additional two elected members from the Council.

  xi.                  Structures would be kept under review.

xii.                  The NHS Trust would be considering the proposed governance arrangements the following week.

xiii.                  If arrangements are agreed by the Council by the end of May 2006 this would enable the Trust Board to have two meetings as a shadow Board before coming into full effect in October 2006 when the Children’s Trust is officially launched.


Action required :-


a)                  That the outline proposals contained within the Strategic Director’s report be supported but with the following comments:-

                       i.            The Council’s Cabinet Member for Children should be the Chairman of the Trust Board.

                      ii.            That the two other Council members on the Board should be selected on the basis of the skills and knowledge that they would bring to the Trust Board rather than being appointed on a party political basis.

                    iii.            That comments from other partners, particularly from  Health, be brought back to the May 2006 meeting of the Commission to allow appropriate recommendations to be made in the blue paper to Cabinet.

4.         Schools Exclusion Centre C3/05

Draft Blue paper presented by Mr I Sandbrook, Strategic Director of Children’s Services and Mr Doug Wright, Senior Education Officer – Access and Inclusion.


Consideration was given to the evidence that had been collated during the enquiry into a costed provision of a Schools Exclusion Centre. The need to continue to develop working arrangements with other organisations and the voluntary sector together with close co-operation between schools was vital in persuing a successful way forward for those pupils involved. The ability to enable pupils to have practical experiences leading to improved self esteem was stressed.


Action required :-


That the following recommendation be made –


The Cabinet Member for Children be recommended that due to the capital and revenue costs of providing a specific Exclusion Centre, and the responses received as part of consultation with key stakeholders, no further action should be taken on this issue.


The Commission however, based on the evidence received, endorses in addition to the existing provision, the development of:


§         a dedicated Education Centre for pupils with medically related difficulties;

§         the extension of WISE facilities;

§         the three year development of cluster based resource centres for pupils who are excluded or at risk of exclusion and those with significant social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. 

The Commission would be willing to formulate appropriate policies and strategies for approval by the Cabinet Member leading to such implementation.


5.         Joint Area Review – Progress Report

Report by Mr I Sandbrook, Strategic Director of Children’s Services supported by Mrs Pru Grimshaw, Head of Children and Family Services.


Evidence :-


     i.                  The JAR and CPA Inspectors had undertaken their analysis week between 27 and 31 March 2006.

    ii.                  Inspectors had noted that the service was in transition.

  iii.                  The draft Children and Young People’s Plan would be amended to take into account the initial feedback from the Inspectors.

  iv.                  The capacity of the service to deliver did not appear to be a major issue but performance management had been highlighted as an area that required further work.

   v.                  A briefing pack for members and officers was being prepared to assist with the formal inspection in May 2006.