Briefing Paper 7


JAR end of analysis week feedback – 30th March 2006


Big themes:


The Children and Young People’s Plan - will show what is intended [key document!]


Performance Management

·         How good is quality assurance and how well is management information used ?

·         How well are resources aligned to priorities ?

·         How well members are aligned to priorities ?

·         How well are things phased and focused – the agenda is very wide ?

·         Can we demonstrate improvement ?

·         How good is interagency working ?


Be Healthy:


The provision appears to be adequate.


·         How robust is the planning to sustain this ?

Parents and carers appear well supported.

·         What evidence is there of the impact of our work on alcohol and drug abuse ?

Provision for physical health is OK.

Interagency working for mental health appears good.

·         Is there sufficient capacity for mental health provision ?

Provision for looked after children’s health appears good.

·         Can this be substantiated in the fieldwork ?

·         How well is the health of specific groups of children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) supported ?


Stay Safe


Appears satisfactory – scope for improved interagency working and quality assurance


·         Is the capacity adequate ?

·         How good is the monitoring and evaluation of outcomes ?

·         How good is interagency working around children in need ? 

Interagency working around children on the Child Protection register appears OK.

4 cases will be pursued – 2 good + 2 weak. 

No significant / serious issues raised by the case studies to date.


Enjoy and Achieve


Provision is inadequate


·         What is the extent of the underachievement and underperformance ?

·         How well are we addressing the inadequacies ?

Attainment in the early learning goals is above the national average.

Standards at the end of Key Stage 1 are very good.

Information to parents and carers about admissions is OK.

Standards at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 are poor.

·         Is there anything about our pattern of school organisation (particularly middle schools) which adversely affects standards and attendance ?

·         Why are there such high levels of identified special educational needs and statutory assessments in middle schools ?

·         Why are there so many excluded pupils out of school for more than a year ?

Out-of-school enrichment provision appears to be good.

·         How significant are the issues raised by young people about transport ?

·         Can we form a clear understanding of the reasons for underachievement ?

Procedures for statutory assessment are OK


Make a Positive Contribution


At least adequate


Good reach and outcomes of consultations

Children and young people are well supported in the emotional and social development.

·         How well supported are youngsters from ethnic minorities, with English as an additional language, and from traveller communities ?

Young people appear to be well involved in key decisions about their local provision.

·         How coherent are the arrangements for consulting young people (they appear to be fragmented) ?

·         How well are young people consulted in council strategies (there is little reference to their contribution in council documents) ?

·         Is anti-social behaviour as well managed by the Youth Offending Team as it appears to be ?

Looked after children and children with learning difficulties and disabilities appear to be well consulted about their own provision.


Achieve Economic Wellbeing


At least adequate


·         What are the roles and relationships of all partners in 14-19, including the LSC, particularly with regard to training networks ?

Connexions is tracking young people effectively.

Arrangements for young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) are OK.

·         Are there sufficient opportunities for work-related learning ? 

·         How well has the action plan from the 14-19 Area Review been implemented ?

The contribution of the IOW Partnership to the economic well-being of young people is OK.

·         How secure are the transition arrangements for looked after children and children with LDD ?


Service management


Ambition is clearly evident.


·         How well is this ambition being translated into action ?

·         How well is strategic ambition underpinned by operational planning and procedures ?

·         Is there a golden thread running from strategy through plans to appraisals and performance management ?

·         Does the council’s ambition extend to and take account of hard to reach groups ?

·         What is the council’s impact and contribution to partnership working ?


Prioritisation is clearly stated at high level


·         What is the impact of the high level of change on capacity ?

·         How well are priorities carried through into project management ?


Capacity – joint commissioning is underdeveloped.


·         How good is workforce planning ?

·         What is the impact of staffing shortages (eg Educational Psychologists; specialist Children and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS); school improvement team) ?

·         How are schools’ budget surpluses being managed ?

·         What evidence is there of the pooling of budgets ?

·         What are the roles of members and officers ?

·         How are matters such as asset management and school organisation managed ? *


Performance management – shows inconsistencies


·         How is underperformance managed ?

·         How much performance management is there – as opposed to performance monitoring ?

·         Can we offer examples of performance management that is well embedded ?

·         How good are our information management systems ?

·         How well do we manage through to delivery, especially in cross-cutting areas ?

·         How well do we use benchmarking to manage and improve performance ?

·         What evidence is there that stakeholder surveys make an impact ?