Briefing Paper 4
Key Judgements:
Action is
taken to promote children and young people’s mental health
2.3 The incidence of child abuse and neglect
is minimised.
2.6 Action is taken to avoid children and
young people having to be looked after.
2.7 Looked
after children live in safe environments and are protected from abuse and
3.3 Action
is taken to ensure that education 5-16 is of good quality.
3.4 Children
and young people are enabled and encouraged to attend and enjoy school and to
achieve highly.
4.2 Children
and young people, particularly those from vulnerable groups, are supported in
managing changes and responding to challenges in their lives.
4.7 Children
and young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities are helped to
make a positive contribution.
5.3 Action
is taken to ensure that 14-19 education and training is planned and delivered
in a coordinated way, and to ensure that education and training (16-19) is of
good quality.