5th October 2005


Agenda item :  Sport, physical education and pupil attainment


Author : Lee Matthews, Community Development and Leisure Manager


Report on how Physical Education and School Sport help support pupil attainment.



Considerations and Background


The Sports Development Team currently support the implementation of the National PE, SCHOOL SPORT & CLUB LINKS STRATEGY (PESSCL) The target of this Strategy is :-


"enhance the take-up of sporting opportunities by five to sixteen year olds by increasing the percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum from 25% in 2002 to 75% in 2006 and 85% by 2008."


And by 2010 the aims is to offer all children at least 4 hours of sport every week, comprised of at least 2 hours high quality PE and sport at school and the opportunity for at least a further 2-3 hours beyond the school day (delivered by a range of school, community and club providers).


What is the PESSCL strategy ?


The Physical Education School Sport Club Links strategy incorporates eight different strands, supported by £459 million from central government.


1. Specialists Sports Colleges 

A school that specialises in physical education and school sport as a vehicle for continued whole school improvement


2. School Sport Partnerships

A cluster of schools' (primary and secondary) that centre around a hub-site (usually a sports college) to share PE expertise, facilities, coaching and professional development.

In essence sport partnerships enhance sports opportunities for all


3. Professional Development 

This programme will ensure that teachers and others have the tools and expertise they need to deliver high quality physical education and school sport.

Modules follow a number of different themes and are delivered by local tutors for free


4. Step into Sport

Step into sport encourages involvement in sports leadership and volunteering.


5. School / Club links

Provides the link between high quality physical education and sporting opportunities in the local community


6. Gifted and Talented

This programme aims to improve the range and quality of teaching, coaching and learning for talented sports people.

The Youth Sports Trust has a dedicated site called talent ladder


7. Swimming

Raising the profile of swimming in the PE curriculum via a new swimming charter


8. QCA PE and Sport investigation 

The  QCA  is working closely with schools and partnerships across England to investigate high quality PE and school sport.


The National Picture – How Sport and Physical Activity supports “Every Child Matters” outcomes


Being Healthy




Staying Safe





Enjoying and Achieving





Making a Positive Contribution





Achieving Economic Well-Being





The Local picture - What are the Island Schools and partners doing?



What Difference is it making?



How do we know if we are succeeding?






Contact Point – Lee Matthews – Community Development and Leisure Manager  -  823818

e-mail :- [email protected]