1.                  Both bullying and inappropriate pupil behaviour can affect the achievement of the individual and the wider majority of pupils in school.  Without the Commission knowing the effectiveness of current action there is high risk to the Council’s aim of raising standards for all children.


2.                  It is proposed that the Commissioner provide the Cabinet Member for Children with clear information on the impact of the Council’s current policies and actions in reducing the frequency of bullying and inappropriate behaviour of pupils in school.


3.                  The initial meeting on this issue will help the Commission to scope the enquiry more fully.


The suggested reasons for the enquiry are:-


(a)               To establish the extent to which bullying and inappropriate behaviour is impacting on children and young people’s enjoyment in learning and achievement in school.


(b)               To determine the effectiveness of current policy and Council action to reduce the incidence of bullying and further improve pupil behaviour.


The proposed outcomes could provide :-


(i)         information to the Cabinet Member for Children on the effectiveness of the current Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Strategy of the Council.


(ii)        Recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Children on the amendment of current policy or the need for new policy as appropriate to the enquiry outcomes.


Over a number of meetings both formal and informal it is suggested that the Commissioners receive evidence from stakeholders on:


·         Their knowledge and implementation of the current Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Strategy. 

·         Statistical evidence which will allow aspects of the local position to be compared with that nationally

·         The effectiveness of current action and Authority support in dealing with, and reducing the incidence of bullying and inappropriate behaviour.


In order to:


·         Establish a clear view of the current extent of bullying and inappropriate pupil behaviour in schools.

·         Determine if current policy and scrutiny is sufficient and effective.

·         Make recommendations on any policy amendment or new policy as indicated by enquiry outcome.


It is suggested that the enquiry should not include:-


·         Examination of the Council’s policy and action on bullying and inappropriate behaviour in the wider community.  The focus of this enquiry will be to schools.

·         Specialist provision to support pupil behaviour.  This has been a recent enquiry by the Commission leading to a Blue Paper recommendation to Cabinet.


Amongst the key stakeholders that could be involved in submitting evidence to the Commission are:-


·         Children and Young People

·         Parents

·         Headteachers, teachers and support staff in schools

·         Lead and operational Officers for Access and Inclusion and School Improvement


The enquiry should assist in the achievement of objectives in the following key plans:-


·         Aim High

·         Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP)

·         Local Area Agreement (LAA)





Mr Keith Simmonds – Head of Learning Effectiveness