The Isle of Wight



Youth Inclusion Forum


Delivery & Action Plan


2007 – 2009



May 2007








In January 2007 the Youth Justice Forum and the LPSA 2 groups amalgamated to form the Youth Inclusion Forum in order to provide a cohesive response to local and national requirements for service provision and local activities for children and young people to: reduce criminal activity and first time entrants into the criminal justice system, to reduce the number of half day exclusions from school, to raise educational attainment, to promote social inclusion and, to support the alignment of the Every Child Matters agenda and the Educational Standards agenda.


An away-day held on 7th March 2007 looked at issues and proposed solutions which included the requirement to align data from all stakeholders to assist in the formulation of this Delivery and Action Plan. A significant contribution was made by young people to help inform and shape and ultimately deliver this plan by being specific in setting our priorities and targets for improvement to the Outcomes.


This Action Plan will take account of the following local and national key documents:


  • The Isle of Wight Children & Young Peoples Plan
  • The Isle of Wight Local Area Agreement April 2006 – March 2009
  • The Isle of Wight Corporate Business Plan
  • The Local Preventative Strategy
  • The Standards Agenda
  • The Isle of Wight Safer Communities Strategy
  • The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services
  • The Education Bill 2006
  • The Children Act 2004
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Strong and Prosperous Communities: The Local Government White Paper


Away Day Issues/Solutions/Themes


Issues for Professional Groups

  • Truancy ( taken out of school/don’t attend)
  • Exclusions Fixed or permanent ( Some professionals/ young people not knowing difference)
  • Clarity in relation to study leave/twilight exclusions
  • Bad experience of being excluded
  • Bullying Issues
  • Ryde no data available
  • Clarification required on what is fixed term
  • High % of young People with no school based package
  • PA’s in School but data around exclusions not collected
  • Young People being educated other than in school
  • Lack of contact from previous school when young person moved to new school
  • Parents knowledge/understanding/attitude to exclusions
  • Agencies unsure of data available
  • Need for a common language
  • Do agencies trust data collected and centralised data
  • Clarity of educational packages available
  • Issues relating to out of school i.e. authorised/unauthorised absence/home educated/young carers/immigrants






Solutions Offered

  • Identify truants and families – link to package of support to address individual needs. Investment in co-ordination of support packages
  • Need to target % of truants on a weekly basis
  • Address training issues and share data collected.
  • Clearer sign-posting and pathways
  • Greater ability for Connexions PA’s to be able to travel with young people through school experience
  • Establish baseline – core data for each agency to collect/collate
  • Take data to community
  • Agree definition of term exclusion
  • Develop best practice models/earlier notification of potential exclusions
  • Develop whole Island approach
  • Develop early identification model for those young people at risk of exclusion
  • Stronger links to early years (5-9 gap)
  • Increase access to parenting courses in lie with Island Parenting Strategy
  • Develop inter-agency training
  • If CLA then social care to be advised if young person excluded
  • A menu of community provision for young people excluded
  • All agencies to improve recording of young people known to them who are excluded
  • More internal exclusions
  • Improve teacher training in relation to impact of  exclusions
  • Children and young people with additional and/or special educational needs need to develop differential approach /? MH assessment
  • Develop Lead Professional/CAF approach




Issues for Young People

  • Somewhere to go and ‘hang out’ for 15 – 18 year olds
  • Youth Clubs too young for a number of young people i.e. 17/18 year olds
  • Many young people excluded for activities due to prohibitive cost
  • Some young people want to be excluded
  • If schools are going to exclude young people would like not academic base work but some alternative activity based work
  • Really value WISE Project
  • Being given a Yellow Ticket by the police just for being in an area – feels like being picked on
  • PURE tickets only sold through schools therefore if excluded or not attending school then unable to access
  • Accommodation a big issues as many sofa surf
  • Not enough employment opportunities
  • Would have liked to have some vocational activities at High School
  • 50p bus fare not applying if your NEET
  • More help with information through PA’s as many young people have literacy issues
  • Would like a single point of access for all services
  • Would like smaller groups in school
  • Teachers to show more respect
  • When it went wrong at school nothing could have helped
  • Once out of school unable to get money
  • Would like life skills learning on really practical things e.g. cooking/washing – being able to look after yourself
  • Hospitality Training Programme works and young people are respected

Solutions Offered

  • Would like a boxing club to get rid of pent up feelings
  • To have a café style club rather than youth clubs where it was open later and they ran it and no drugs/alcohol.  Give them something to do, be responsible for and make them take ownership of something
  • Agreed to join a working party on café suggestion
  • 50p bus fare to be extended up to age 19
  • Young people interested in Fire Service activities
  • Some full-time work experience programmes
  • More vocational subjects in school and offered from an earlier age
  • Information leaflets should be written by young people


Key Themes


Age related activities geared towards younger groups of children


Lack of age appropriate services/activities for older young people to divert from anti-social behaviour


The number of exclusions from school and clarity required for what constitutes exclusion?


The need to re-integrate excluded children and young people earlier back into school through school/service and community based provision


The need to improve use/understanding of available data and how that informs/shapes and develops provision to improve outcomes for children and young people


The need to develop Lead Professional/CAF and single point of entry


The need to develop individual educational/activity base packages for children and young people at risk of exclusions


The need to develop inter-agency, multi-disciplinary agreed targets and protocols to reduce exclusions and criminal activity to deliver improved outcomes 


The following identifies strategic links between: The ECM agenda, The JAR Action Plan, The Children & Young People’s Plan, The Local Area Agreement, One Island and, The Children’s Service Plan.


The Youth Inclusion Forum has three main objectives:


  • Reduce first time entrants to the criminal justice system
  • Reduce the % of !/2 day authorised/unauthorised absences from school
  • Promote social inclusions and prevent anti-social behaviour


Corporate Strategy

ECM Outcomes

Jar Action Plan/CYPP

Forum Objectives

  • Being a high performing council
  • Enjoy & Achieve
  • Economic Well-being
  • Increase C&YP satisfaction of services received
  • Support for community projects through grants programme identifying VFM via educational and activity based resources: Objective 3
  • Sustainable regeneration and development of the Island
  • Economic Well-being
  • To improve the employment prospects of 14-29yr olds
  • Promote social inclusion: Objective 3
  • Prevent anti-social behaviour: Objective 3
  • Improving health and well-being of island communities
  • Being healthy
  • Staying safe
  • Making a positive contribution
  • Reduce teenage pregnancy
  • Improve mental health and well-being of C&YP
  • Promote social inclusion: Objective 3
  • Prevent anti-social behaviour: Objective 3
  • Creating safer and stronger communities
  • Staying safe
  • Making a positive contribution
  • Reduce bullying
  • Development of preventative and early intervention support
  • Reduce first time offending into the criminal justice system: Objective 1
  • Reduce authorised and unauthorised ½ day absences from school: Objective 2
  • Improving outcomes for C&YP
  • Being healthy
  • Staying safe
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Making a positive contribution
  • Economic well-being
  • Implement schools improvement strategy
  • Develop data management strategy
  • Develop updated access and inclusion plan/substance misuse plan/alcohol harm reduction plan
  • Link to Connexions business plan/Youth service plan/Creative partnership plan/Youth involvement strategy/Parenting support strategy
  • Support community projects through grant support programme showing VFM through education and activity based resources: Objective 3
  • Promote social inclusion: Objective 3
  • Prevent anti-social behaviour: Objective 3
  • Reduce first time entrants to the criminal justice system: Objective 1
  • Reduce authorised and unauthorised absences from school: Objective 2



Strategic Objective One: Reduce first time entrants into the criminal justice system

















Development of preventative, schools based and community based provision

March 2008

Service area’s able to identify aspects of service which they can deliver

% LPSA 1& 2 grant funding through YIF (£60k)


Family Link/School Project Worker £25k


School Base/Community Initiatives


Police/Community Post ?£


Development of CAF/Lead Professional

March 2008

Action to plan and link training to resources at level 1 & 2 of Need

ECM Grant £71K



Reduction of substance and alcohol misuse


Baseline % of C&YP receiving primary assessment/plan and treatment input.

% year on year referrals to EIS





Children Fund/YJB


Reduction in ½ days authorised/unauthorised absences

March 2008

Clarity and reliability of data collected in order to divert resource allocation if required

Redirection of existing school/Children’s Services/YIF Resources











Development of parenting support aligned to development of enhanced child minding project

March 2008

% Reduction in Level 3 referrals/%reduction of CLA

Increase % of Children & Families receiving parenting support through either educational/YOT support

Choice Protects Grant ?£35K


£16K (YOT ring-fenced)


£? cost per school per person accessing PET training

Strategic Objective 2: reduce % ½  day authorised and authorised absence form school









Number of children assessed using Common Assessment Framework

March 2008

% increase in numbers of children supported through community and school based provision and through new Family/Schools Link Worker

Existing school base provision and % grant funding through YIF





£25K LPSA 2


Reduce the incidence and fear of bullying

March 2008

% increase of C&YP reporting bullying through consultation

Existing schools base provision/Hampton Trust Interact Mentoring Scheme


Improvement in quality  and reliability of absence and exclusion date

March 2008

To improve life chances of C&YP at risk of social exclusion due to inappropriate or criminal behaviour

Establish baseline – core data for each agency to collect and collate




Greater parental understanding/impact to absences/exclusions

March 2008

Increase access to parental support

Existing resources Children’s Services.  School based PET


Clarity of educational packages available relating to out of school

March 2008

Access to menu of school base and community provision for young people who

Existing school based provision and % grant funding projects through YIF



Provision to authorised/unauthorised absences/absence or home educated/young carer issues/study leave/twilight exclusions.

Development of consistency of school base exclusions across Middle and High Schools


are excluded or absent from school



Early identification of C&YP a risk  of exclusion and absence from school

March 2008

Improve life chances of C&YP at risk of social exclusion due to inappropriate or criminal behaviour and re-integration back into school

Existing school base provision


Improve Teacher/pupil relationship

March 2008

Reduction in number of absence and exclusions and increase in numbers re-integrated back into school

Existing schools base support and % funding projects through YIF


Objective 3: Promote social inclusion and prevent anti-social behaviour







Exertion based activities targeted at vulnerable groups 2007/8 target 100 young people

March 2008

Reduction in absences and exclusions/anti-social behaviour

YIF activity voucher scheme. £6,500


Develop full-time work experience programmes

March 2008

Improve life chances of young people at risk of social exclusion and promote social exclusion


ALL inc young people

Feasibility study into Café style club for young people age 16+

March 2008

Improve life chances of young people at risk of social exclusion and promote social inclusion

?? reward monies LSPA2


Developing vocational subjects in school offered from an earlier age

Sept 2009

Improve life chances of C&YO at risk of offending and social exclusions

School improve strategy

Connexions/16+ Team/

Support with literacy issues

March 2008

Improve life chances of C&YP and increase number of NVQ learner achievements and reduce NEET and promote social inclusion

Existing resource base through Connexions and 16+/LPSA


Improve housing prospects for young people


Improve life chances of young people at risk of social exclusion



A single point of access for services required/CAF/Lead Professional development

2007 – 2009

Prevent drift within systems

Integrated service delivery agenda


% target for alcohol and substance misuse targeted support for vulnerable young people

March 2008

Reduce anti-social behaviour

Existing resources


This action plan will require reviewing in September 2007




Children Looked After


Common Assessment Framework


Not in Employment Education or Training




Rosie Rae


Alex Hicks


Charlie Hancock


Graham Orchard


Alison Ward


Doug Wright


Meg Abbott


Penny Crossley


Liz Harkin


Sue Meredith


Terri Baker


Director of Children’s Services


Phil Taylor