THE ISLE OF WIGHT CHILDREN’S TRUST C5/05 - Position Statement February 2006


Proposal: To defer the establishment of the Isle of Wight Children’s Trust from 1st April 2006 to between October 2006 and April 2007.


A.        National Requirement


·                    The 2004 Children Act set out the statutory requirement for Local Authorities to integrate services for children and young people by 1st April 2008, Children’s Trusts are the preferred model.


·                    The 2004 Children Act set out the statutory requirement for Local Authorities to lead on the creation of The Children and Young People’s Plan by 1st April 2006.


B.        Local Requirement


·                    Clear political commitment to raise attainment and achievement in schools.


The development of a Children’s Trust is stated within Aim High:


The aim is to ensure high quality outcomes for children and young people from all partner agencies.


The goal to create new and effective partnerships with service providers to improve the outcomes for children and young people.


The measure of success is to implement the provisions of the Children Act (2004) within statutory timescales.


The original action was to create a Children’s Trust by 1st April 2006.


C.                Current Position


·                    New Interim Director of Children’s Services in place.


·                    New strategic partnering arrangement established with a clear mandate to address the issues from the Annual Performance Assessment.


·                    Consultation has begun on the draft Children and Young People’s Plan having been approved by The Commission for Children and School Results.

·                    The Isle of Wight Children and Young People’s Plan will be published by 1st April 2006.


·                    Preparation for the Joint Area Review (JAR) underway as part of the Council’s preparation for the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).  The Children’s Trust Advisor is supporting the Service Management theme within the JAR


* The Isle of Wight agreed to call the Children’s Trust ‘the Isle of Wight Children and Young People’s Trust’ (the Trust).


D.        Suggested Reason for deferment of the Trust from 1st April 2006 to October 2006/April 2007.


The governance arrangements for the Trust need to relate to the Local Strategic Partnership, the Public Service Board and the Health and Adult Social Care Trust.  It is appropriate to wait until the design for these structures have reached a more advanced stage.


E.        Suggested Revised Timetable


·                    Children and Young People’s Trust programme management established in three phases:


Phase 1: August 2005 to March 2006


Development Phase (identifying progress and piloting ways of working in each of the 5 geographical clusters).


1.                  Involvement, participation and consultation with children and young people


2.                  Integrated commissioning


3.                  Information Sharing and Assessment


4.                  Common Assessment Framework, integrated referral and care pathways


5.                  Interagency governance and accountability


6.                  Workforce Development


7.                  Local Safeguarding Children Board.


Phase 2: April 2006 to March 2007


Implementation Phase (implement these seven functions across the Island learning from each Cluster with a proposed launch at the Big Day Out 2006).


Phase 3: From October 2006/April 2007


Operational Phase (Fully functioning Trust as a legal entity).


F.         Opportunities


·                    Phase 2 also offers a six to twelve month period of opportunity for the Council and partners to:


1.                  Shift resources and capacity to better support a successful JAR and the establishment of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board by April 2006.


2.                  Establish the governance of the Trust and Member involvement in line with the Local Area Agreement, Aim High, the proposed Health and Social Care Trust and Local Public Service Board.


3.                  Ensure the development of the corporate performance management system provides the performance management for the Children and Young People’s Plan and the Children and Young People’s Trust.


4.                  Ensure that the development and implementation of Strategic Partnering arrangements secures the necessary support for the development and implementation of the Trust.


5.                  Build the Trust around implementing the Children and Young People’s Plan.


6.                  Mature the functions of the Trust over the next 12 months to resolve any operational issues that may emerge before the Trust becomes a legal entity.


7.                  Align the priorities and resources for children and young identified in the Safer Communities, Healthier Communities and Economic Development and Enterprise blocks of the Local Area Agreement (including the Local Public Service Agreements) with the Children and Young People’s Trust to maximise resources to raise achievement.


8.                  After the JAR focus resources and capacity on implementing the JAR Action Plan whilst maintaining momentum in Trust development that strengthens working relationships with partners such as schools and GPs.


9.                  Demonstrate what all services are doing across all 5 outcomes for children and young people that contribute to raising achievement.


10.             Develop the Children and Young People’s Trust arrangements through strengthening the senior management team capacity.

11.             Have ready a fully functioning Children and Young People’s Trust management team by April 2007.


12.             Establish the Children and Young People’s Trust Commissioner Role.


Contact point – Mr Simon Dear, Children and Young People’s Trust Adviser.





Strategic Director of Children’s Services