Meeting:         Policy Commission for Children and School Results


Date:               Wednesday 1st November 2006


Title:                Briefing paper on the 14-19 Implementation Plan and Isle of Wight 14-19 Strategy.


Contact:          Jackie Boxx ([email protected] or 826430)



1.0       Context


1.1       Raising the educational outcomes of young people and increasing their employability skills are priorities of the Isle of Wight Council. Both for the young people’s life chances and for the regeneration of the island, this is essential. 


2.0       National drivers for change


2.1       Local requirements are being reinforced by a drive from national government through its’ 14-19 Implementation Plan (see Appendix A) to ensure every learner aged 14-19 receives an entitlement. This entitlement should give learners access to a broad and relevant curriculum and provide them with the impartial advice, guidance and support they need to achieve well and be successful in adult life.

2.2       Broadening the curriculum from age 14 includes increasing opportunities for work based learning and giving access to fourteen specialised diplomas by 2013, following phased piloting from September 2008. No one institution is going to be able to provide the full range of courses that need to be made available to learners by itself.

2.3       There is also a requirement to produce and maintain an on-line Area Prospectus from September 2007 that outlines every course that is available to young people.

2.4       This requires Children’s Services, through their Children’s Trusts, to be leading collaboration between the Local learning & Skills Council (LLSC), High Schools, The College, Training Providers, Employers and Universities.


3.0      The Joint Area Review -implications


   3.1    The recent JAR identified the need for improvements in a number of areas (e.g. provision at level 2 post 16, standards at key stage 4). It broadly supported the ‘direction of travel’ of collaborative planning of the curriculum across two geographical hubs but was very clear that the pace of change needed to be much faster.

   3.2    Faster pace requires that the funding and planning of 14-19 provision is coherent and coordinated, widens the choices and meet the needs of every learner, is of high quality and provides value for money. Common timetabling across schools and the college, common information for learners whatever their institution, sharing good practice between providers to improve the quality of teaching and learning and less duplication of provision would be some of the success measures.


 4.0     Organisation of post 16 provision


    4.1   The organisation of post 16 education on the island is currently under review as a    result of the LSC proposal for a sixth form centre. Whatever the outcome of the consultation it will be essential for collaborative working between all the providers of 14-19 education and training to continue if we are to develop the curriculum from age 14 and be ready to implement the specialised diplomas.


     5.0 The 14-19 Strategy


     5.1 The 14-19 Strategy sets the framework for developing 14-19 education and training as a single phase for the Isle of Wight. The vision of the strategy is for all young people to

            - enjoy and achieve in education and training;

            - make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic well being;

            -increase their aspirations;

            - raise their performance levels;

            -improve their progression to further learning and/or employment.;

    5.2  The Strategy sets out to achieve the above by :

            - supporting funding and planning agencies, schools, the college and work based training providers to work effectively together to meet the national and local agenda;

            - developing and monitoring the implementation of a 14-19 Learner Entitlement;

            - informing parents and learners of the choices available to them to ensure learners are   on appropriate courses; 

            - as part of the learner Entitlement, broadening the curriculum to establish clear learning pathways at all levels and covering all subjects;

            -implementing a common progression system including one on-line application for post 16 provision;

            -implementing a 14-19 quality assurance system.

            -supporting workforce development through the provision of training for staff new to vocational courses.

5.3      Curriculum planning is being developed via two hubs - the western hub (Carisbrooke High, Cowes High and Medina High) and the eastern hub (Ryde High and Sandown High). The isle of Wight College and the Training Providers work in both hubs.










Appendix A :      14-19 Education and Skills Implementation Plan

Timeline for reform



Specialised Diplomas:

·         October 2006          Consultation ends

·         March 2007            Awarding bodies develop specifications and submit to QCA

·         September 2007     Specifications published

·         September 2008     Teaching of first 5 specialised Diploma lines begins (for partnerships which get through the Gateway)

·         September 2009     Teaching of second 5 specialised Diploma lines    begins

·         September 2010     Teaching of final 4 specialised Diploma lines (+ Science) begins

·         September 2013     National entitlement to all 14 specialised Diploma lines in place


Functional Skills:

·         September 2006     Trials taking place

·         September 2007     National pilot begins

·         September 2007     English, maths and ICT GCSEs piloted with functional skills

·         September 2008     Teaching of first 5 specialised Diploma lines, (including functional skills) begins

·         September 2009     English and ICT GCSEs including functional skills available nationally

·         September 2010     Maths GCSE including functional skills available   nationally


Key Stage 3 Curriculum:


·         2005-2007               Statutory national consultation

·         September 2007     Schools receive revised programme of study for    KS3

·         September 2008     Start of new KS3 curriculum in schools


A Levels:


·         September 2005     QCA advice published

·         September 2008     A levels containing AEA type materials and the extended project ready for



Area Prospectus:


·         2006-2007               All areas publish local prospectuses

·         September 2007 -> Young people choosing specialised Diplomas  through the prospectus


14-19 Partnerships:


·         October 2006          14-19 Progress checks introduced

·         September 2006     16-19 Capital Funding available

·         December 2006      All areas established 14-19 partnerships

·         September 2007     50,000 new 16-19 school, college and WBL places created

·         September 2008     200 Vocational Specialist Schools, 400 CoVES    and 12 National Academies


·         September 2011     All areas have developed sufficient capacity to deliver specialised Diplomas



PSA Targets:


·         September 2006     70% of young people achieve level 2 by age 19

·         January 2008         Further 2% increase in young people achieving     level 2 by age 19

·         January 2008         75% increase in number of young people completing Apprenticeships

·         September 2011     2% reduction in 16-18 year old NEETS

·         December 2015      90% of 17 year olds participate in education