
Policy Commission for Care, Health and Housing





12th December 2005




Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport

Purpose of meeting

Formal public meeting




Cllrs Erica Oulton (Chairman), Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Margaret Webster and David Whittaker

Co-opted Members

Mr Robert Jones – Vice Chairman, Primary Care PPIF

Mr David White – Vice Chairman, Healthcare PPIF



Cllrs Dawn Cousins



Cllr David Pugh


Other Councillors




Ms Louise Biggs - Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Team


Mr Paul Thistlewood - O&S Team


Ms Margaret Howard, Head of Housing


Stake holders


Mr Mark Price, Director, Transition Team


Mrs Jane Wilshaw, Director of Nursing and Patient Care, Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust (IWHNHST)



Cllrs Colin West and Win McRobert

Agenda Items


1. To agree the notes of evidence arising at the extraordinary meeting held on 26 October 2005          

1.              The notes of evidence were agreed with the following amendments


1.1.          That Cllr Whittaker did not attend the meeting.


1.2.          An addition to item 3 to clarify the point made by Mr Elderfield that prescribing would be a clinical, rather than a financial decision.

1.3.          Page A-3, item 4, first bullet point:  March 2005 should read march 2006


3. Declarations of Interest.



4. To receive an update on the current status  and future work on the proposed Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) /Primary Care Trusts (PCT) and Ambulance Trusts – Mr Mark Price



2         The commission were update on consultation on PCT and Ambulance trust configurations, whereby the national picture will be of fewer SHAs, PCTs and Ambulance Trusts.


3         There are two options for SHAs:


3.1 Option 1: one SHA for South East, coterminous with government regional office boundaries


3.2 Option 2: one SHA for Thames Valley and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and one SHA for Kent and Medway and Surrey and Sussex


3.3 All the options suggested for PCT configuration suggest that that the Island will retain one PCT.


4         There are two options for PCTs – both of which include a single PCT for the Isle of Wight:


4.1 Option 1: four PCTs: Hampshire PCT, Portsmouth City PCT, Southampton City PCT, Isle of Wight PCT


4.2 Option 2: six PCTs : East Hampshire PCT, North Hampshire PCT, West Hampshire PCT, Portsmouth City PCT, Southampton City PCT, Isle of Wight PCT


5         There are two options for the Island’s Ambulance Service – one to retain the management of the Ambulance Service on the Isle of Wight as part of the function of the proposed new organisation.  The other option would be for Ambulance Services on the Isle of Wight to be provided as part of the proposed Ambulance Trust covering Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire. The preference of the Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust is that the Ambulance Trust remains on the Island.


6         The Policy commission may wish to comment as part of this consultation.


7         With respect to the new integrated health and social care organisation, there are two main models: a care trust model or an organisation based on the 1999 Health Act flexibilities (Section 31) and the Island’s Local area agreement.  In addition, the forthcoming, ‘care outside hospital’ white paper may suggest a clear way forward for integration.  Consultation on this issue will begin in 2006.



5. To approve the Blue Paper on Housing Services (H4/05) – Lead Member, Cllr Roger Mazillius and lead officer Mrs Margaret Howard


8         The Blue Paper was approved and contained the following recommendations to be considered by Cabinet on the 17th January 2006:


8.1 For Housing Renewal, Housing Development, Housing Needs and PAN teams to be kept as a Housing Services division within the Adult and Community Services Department.  (To become known as Healthier Communities once Adult services move into the new organisation)


8.2 For Occupational Therapy to move into the Health Care Trust by April 2006 in advance of the new Health and Social care organisation being established in April  2007.


8.3 Supporting People Team to be mainstreamed into the Adult’s Services Division


8.4 For a permanent Head of Housing to be appointed.


9         Cllr Lumley expressed concerns with recommendation 2, on how the transfer of staff will affect the council’s performance indicators and how this will be monitored. These will be noted in the final Blue Paper to Cabinet.




10    For the Blue Paper to be taken to Cabinet on the 17th January 2006




11    An informal work planning event for the Commission to be scheduled in January 2006




Overview and Scrutiny Team  / Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Overview and Scrutiny Team