
Policy Commission for Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport


E.PC. 14/02/07


14 February 2007


18.00 hours


Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport

Purpose of meeting

Formal Public Meeting




Cllrs Jonathan Fitzgerald Bond (Commissioner), Henry Adams, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Arthur Taylor



Cabinet Secretariat

Cllr David Pugh

Other Councillors



Miss Vanda Niemiec, O&S Team

Ms April West, O&S Team

Mr John Spencer, Purchasing Manager

Mr Stuart Love, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

Stake holders

Steve Dunkerley, South East Centre of Excellence



Agenda Items


1.      To agree the notes of the previous meeting


1.1 The notes of the meeting held on 8/11/2006 were agreed.

2.      To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda


2.1  There were no declarations of interest.


3.      To receive a presentation on the Procurement Enquiry E4/06


Steve Dunkerley,

South East Centre of Excellence (SECE)



3.1  There are 9 Regional Centres of Excellence that were established by the Department for Communities and Local Government.  They support local authorities in improving procurement activities and efficiency savings.


3.2  The Centres have been established for 1 year and have funding for 5 years in total.


3.3  The SECE covers 74 Local Authorities.


3.4  The presentation gave an overview of the activities carried out by the centres and provided details of the assistance that is available to local authorities.


3.5  There are a number of tools available to assist LA’s in their procurement activities.  These include:

·         Benchmarking

·         Contracts register

·         National spend analysis

·         Price comparison

·         E Auctions

·         Marketplace

·         On-line Best Practice guides


3.6  The sharing of best practice was encouraged to save time and resources, where other LA’s have already established a suitable contract.


3.7  Access was provided to collaborative procurement activities, to give the same opportunities to all authorities to utilise large scale benefits.


3.8  The standardisation of contracts and procedures was supported to promote consistency and efficiency savings.


3.9  Funding was available to LA’s for procurement projects, where they had the potential to be used as a role model for future projects.


3.10  The Isle of Wight Council has utilised some of the tools on offer, including the national spend analysis provided by the SECE, in its procurement activities. 


4.      To receive an update on the Highways PFI Enquiry


Cllr Ivan Bulwer



4.1  Cllr Bulwer gave an update on the progress that has been made with the PFI project. 


4.2  The IW Council has submitted its bid for PFI funding and is waiting to hear if it has been successful.


4.3  This enquiry has now reached its natural conclusion and shall come to a close.


5.      To receive an update on Island Ports Sustainability Study - Enquiry E106


Cllr Charles Hancock

5.1  Cllr Hancock gave an update on the progress that has been made with the Ports enquiry.


5.2  Evidence has been obtained from existing ferry operators and other stake holders.


5.3  Further meetings are planned, including a meeting with the Portsmouth Harbour Authority, Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council.


5.4  A residents survey is to be included in the next edition of One Island. The survey will also be available on-line.



  • Highways PFI Enquiry to be drawn to a close