



1.1      All grant applications must satisfy the criteria shown below. The criteria will be applied with common sense and flexibility and it is accepted that they may not all be applicable in every case. However, if any of the criteria that are considered to apply are not met, the Council reserves the right to require repayment of the grant in full or in part.


1.2      The degree to which applications contribute towards the Island’s Community Strategy and the Council’s Corporate Plan will be taken into account during evaluation.


1.3      The Council may also take into account how its grant spending is balanced between cultural, sporting and community aims.


1.4      The Council will not apply its grant funding towards the furtherance of religious or political aims.


1.5      The Council reserves the right to deal separately with projects or bids of major strategic importance to the Isle of Wight.



2.1.     The organisation must serve the residents of the Isle of Wight.

2.2      In the case of property related applications:

                     the property must be situated on the Isle of Wight.

                     the applicant must have security of tenure to the satisfaction of the Council.

2.3      Membership of organisations should not be restricted.

2.4      Ordinarily no more than one application will be considered in any financial year.

2.5      Applications cannot be made retrospectively but only prior to, or during, the lifetime of the project.

2.6      The total cost of the project and amount requested must be stated.

2.7      Other sources of funding, including those from any department(s) or other sources within the Council, must be stated.

2.8      Approval may be conditional upon securing other sources of finance.


2.9      Two years audited accounts (where available) and a copy of the current accounts must be provided, together with a business plan for the organisation.


2.10    Requests for grant assistance may not be supported if the organisation has accumulated surpluses which are more than three times greater than the grant requested (surpluses do not include monies set aside for specific purposes e.g. major repairs or earmarked for the particular project for which grant is sought).


2.11    The grant must be spent in the financial year in which it is allocated unless specifically agreed otherwise.


2.12    Where appropriate, applicants will be required to acknowledge Council support.


2.13    Where appropriate, the organisation must sign a declaration to undertake to manage, maintain and insure equipment/facilities to the Council’s satisfaction upon completion.

2.14    Any statutory approvals relating to the project must be in place prior to the commencement of the project.


2.15    Applicants will comply with the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy Statement for the time being in force.


3.1      Applicants must live permanently on the Isle of Wight or, in the case of property related applications, the property must be situated on the Island.


3.2      Ordinarily no more than one application will be considered in any financial year.


3.3      Applications cannot be made retrospectively but only prior to, or during, the lifetime of the project.


3.4      The total cost of the project and amount requested must be stated.


3.5      Other sources of funding, including those from any department(s) or other sources within the Council, must be stated.


3.6      Approval may be conditional upon securing other sources of finance.


3.7      The grant must be spent in the financial year in which it is allocated unless specifically agreed otherwise.


3.8      Where appropriate, applicants will be required to acknowledge Council support.


3.9      Where appropriate, insurance cover must be arranged to the satisfaction of the Council.


3.10    Any statutory approvals relating to the project must be in place prior to the commencement of the project.