Administration of the Council’s Central Grant Funding Scheme by the Rural Community Council




1.1      The Rural Community Council (RCC) is well placed to offer an assessment and evaluation service to the Council for central grants to voluntary and community groups. They have considerable experience in both appraising and administering grants, through voluntary projects, Helping Hands and Insinger Foundation grant schemes. They also have expertise in appraising projects through the Single Regeneration Budget and the Rural Development Programme.




2.1      Agree criteria for applicants with the Council, drawing on current criteria used by the RCC but to include the Community Strategy and the corporate objectives of the Council.


2.2      Develop a standard application form to ensure that similar processes are followed in all applications.


2.3      Operate a process which is consistent, transparent and equitable.




3.1      It is suggested that the basic stages of the mechanism would be as follows:


                                 Receive requests from potential applicants via the Council.

                                 Conduct interview with applicant to evaluate application.

                                 Investigate overlap with other services.

                                 Explore alternative sources of funding and signpost accordingly.

                                 Consider and approve appropriate level of funding.

                                 Undertake monitoring during a the period of the project or service to ensure funds have been spent appropriately.


3.2      Fairness


                                 All applicants will be assessed under the same guidelines and procedures.

                                 Applicants should have the opportunity to see the summary of the evaluation report.

                                 Checks will be made to ensure that there are no errors of fact.


3.3      Effectiveness


                                 The process should take account of needs/client vulnerability, size of applicant organisation.


                                 The process should keep to an agreed timetable (e.g. main annual rounds, coinciding with the Council’s budget round, and provide a prompt response to applications.)


This work will be undertaken by the Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) Development Officer, with input from other RCC colleagues on alternative funding sources and other signposting.


4.         COST


4.1      The RCC have agreed to undertake Central Grants Administration on behalf of the Council for £500 per annum, the requisite conditions to be included as part of the revised Service Level Agreement to take effect for three years from 1st April, 2003.