Appendix 1
REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of August 2002
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Democratic Representation & Management 1,223.1 552.5 -12.2 -0.6 1,210.9 551.9 This budget, which represents the policy making and all member related activities, is on target to date.
Policy Unit 253.1 105.6 0.0 0.0 253.1 105.6 Budget on target to date.
Local Tax Collection 891.2 413.6 -605.6 -84.9 285.6 328.7 Expenditure is on target to date. Entries for income from NNDR cost of collection allowance and costs recovered are made at year-end.
Registration of Births Deaths & Marriages 133.9 67.6 -102.1 -54.4 31.7 13.3 The majority of income from wedding fees tends to occur in the first six months of the financial year.
Registration of Electors 92.5 44.2 -2.1 -1.0 90.5 43.2 Budget on target to date.
Conducting Elections 24.6 4.1 0.0 -21.1 24.6 -17.0 This budget represents the annual cost of running elections and the expenditure is committed at the year-end as a contribution to the Elections Fund. Income is received from Parishes towards these costs.
Local Land Charges 154.2 48.0 -641.0 -310.1 -486.8 -262.0 Income presently ahead of target due to buoyant property market.
General Grants, Bequests & Donations 350.3 120.8 0.0 0.0 350.3 120.8 Budget for corporate grants is on target to date. Figures also include non-domestic rate discretionary relief for which entries are made at year-end
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Support Services - Financial Services 1,359.2 567.4 -45.8 -28.1 1,313.4 539.3 Budget on target to date.
Support Services - ICT 1,122.1 930.8 0.0 0.0 1,122.1 930.8 The expenditure figure includes ‘Invest to Save’ and IT Strategy projects which will be met from contingencies and reserves.
Support Services - Property Services 475.7 296.1 -4.5 -0.5 471.2 295.6 Budget on target to date.
Support Services  - Council Properties 131.6 76.9 -169.9 -98.5 -38.4 -21.6 Budget on target to date.
Adminstrative Buildings 532.1 311.4 -77.1 -29.8 455.0 281.6 Budget on target to date.
Support Services - Legal Services 0.0 54.1 -5.0 -3.4 -5.0 50.7 The costs of Legal Services are recharged to client services quarterly in arrears under the terms of Service Level Agreements.
Support Services - Personnel & Training 817.3 398.0 -61.3 -23.8 756.0 374.2 Budget on target to date. The expenditure figure includes commitments relating to member and officer training.
Best Value Support 145.5 54.7 0.0 0.0 145.5 54.7 Budget on target to date.
Support Services - Business Services 103.7 48.6 -12.8 -9.0 90.9 39.5 Budget on target to date.
Support Services - Communications 311.1 151.4 -13.9 -5.0 297.2 146.4 No significant variations to report at this stage.
Support Services - Corporate & Environment Services 218.1 79.3 -3.4 -1.5 214.7 77.7 Budget on target to date.
Customer Service Centre 137.5 61.8 0.0 0.0 137.5 61.8 Budget on target to date.
Help Centres 269.5 114.9 -2.5 -2.0 267.0 112.9 Budgets on target to date.
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
County Farms 3.2 0.0 -10.1 -10.1 -6.9 -10.1 Income received from farm cottage rents are received early in the year.
Premises Development 4.7 52.6 -173.1 -100.1 -168.4 -47.6 Includes Industrial Estates, Samuel Whites Premises (incl. Adjs re sale) and Markets expenditure and income.
Community Forums & Development 374.3 150.1 -60.6 -25.6 313.7 124.5 Budgets are on target to date.
Building Maintenance 1,108.5 447.1 0.0 0.0 1,108.5 447.1 Spending across the whole authority is on target.