




8 MAY 2002













When the Committee reviewed the Departmental Service Plans the issue of a detailed review of Polling Stations was mentioned.  I have given some thought to the brief and detail of the review but would appreciate the involvement of members in this project at an early stage.




The polling stations that are currently used at any election have been primarily developed over the years on a historic basis.  Various attempts have been made in more recent times to ensure that Polling Stations are the best (from both accessibility and desirability) that we can find.  However this work has been piecemeal and in some cases has not really achieved its aims.  The Council has a statutory duty to review all Polling Stations.


At the same time members will be aware that the Disability Discrimination Act requires that by 2004 all publicly used premises are accessible to those with disabilities.


The Council also has a policy of trying to open up its services to the widest possible audience and to ensure that there is no hindrance to members of the public using any of our services.


All of these combined suggest that now is the time to carry out a comprehensive review of the polling stations on the Island to ensure that we satisfy all the above criteria for the next planned elections in 2004 (those to the European Parliament).


The suggested aim of the review is:


“To ensure as far as is possible that all Island residents have access to a polling station which is convenient to them and which is fully accessible to all”.


“Convenient” is clearly a subjective phrase but it is suggested that the review would consider the following:


  1. Do we have sufficient (or too many) polling stations?
  2. Are the polling stations in the right place within the community?
  3. Is the polling station where people would expect to go in the normal course of their lives?
  4. Is the polling station suitable for the purpose (ie fully accessible)?
  5. Is it accessible by foot? By public transport? By car?

The review will consist of the following phases:


Assess Areas of Weakness

Seek Resolutions

Consultations with all stakeholders

Implementation (European Elections June 2004)


Assessment of Review.


I am very mindful of the important role of poling stations on election day and would very much welcome the involvement of members in this process.  This could be achieved either by regular reports back to this Committee on the progress of the review or the establishment of a small Task Group who I would work closely with during all the stages of the review.


This review is very much part of the Electoral Sections work plan and any costs associated with it will be met from within existing budgets.


This review will deal with the physical polling places however the possibility of being able to use electronic (or other) voting in the future must not be over looked.  A number of trials of different schemes are being undertaken on the mainland for this coming May and it is hoped that from these, and earlier trials, that alternative methods of voting will be available for future elections.  If this is the case then clearly polling stations will only be part of our overall strategy’s




That a small Task Group be established to assist with this review.



Contact Point: Chris Mathews, F 823280




Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services