1.      At the request of the Select Committee on the 3rd February, 2005, this paper describes the budgets that have been set for the Great Access to Great Services (GAGS) programme and what these can achieve in delivering GAGS. It also includes a breakdown of the monies spent so-far on e-government as requested at the Committee meeting on the 3rd March.




2.      Members are asked to review the funding made available to the GAGS / e-government agendas and to provide guidance and recommendations as appropriate.




3.      The GAGS programme was established with the overall aim of developing an excellent, customer centre authority. This evolved over time as ideas and thinking matured and as the boundaries of organisational capacity and resources became clearer and the December 2005 e-government deadline became more pressing.


4.      In November 2004, the GAGS Programme Board decided that the most appropriate way forward was to create an enabling organisation capable of supporting organisational change rather than trying to drive change directly as had previously been the case.


5.      Ten projects were identified for this purpose as summarised below. These now form the scope of what is possible on the GAGS agenda within the resources available. Further details are shown in Appendix 1.




·         E-enablement of the ODPM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) ESD (electronic service delivery) processes and e-government priority outcomes


Enabling Projects


·         Implementation and roll-out of CRM across all service points

·         Handling of general enquiry calls for all services through the corporate call centre

·         Implementation of DIP and associated benefits realisation across the authority

·         Provision of all possible council services via the website

·         Development of e-procurement and procurement cards to business case stage

·         Development of disaster recover / business continuity to business case stage

·         Upgrade of the Outlook system and procurement and implementation of a corporate report writing system


Organisational Change


·         Authority wide customer care strategy, standards, training and performance measurement

·         80% resolution of all enquiries received by the organisation regularly being resolved at the point of first contact.



6.      The normal operating budget of the Organisational Development department is insufficient to support the required investment in GAGS, e-government and the development of the supporting ICT infrastructure. To address this, the authority established a strategic development fund which, on current projections, will amount to £4.5m over the 2003-2008 period. This includes £900k of e-government support funding from the ODPM.


7.      Expenditure to date is as follows. Further details are shown in Appendix 2.


·         ICT operations                  - £612k

·         Enabling projects              - £950k

·         BPR / e-government         - £400k



8.      Taking the existing Outlook upgrade, report writer project and other known costs into account, the strategic fund is now fully committed. Any work beyond that detailed will require additional funding.




9.      Although the additional funding that has been made available is substantial, the authority is struggling to invest in ICT related activities compared to other authorities. A recent SOCITM (Society of Local Government IT Managers) benchmarking exercise showed that the authority had the lowest ICT spend as a percentage of gross revenue expenditure in the sample (1.7% v 2.1%) and it is estimated that the authority needs to spend an additional £20m-£30m over the next ten years in order to meet its strategic objectives properly.


10.  It is not clear how this will be achieved and the authority has been exploring the option of strategic partnering as a way of addressing this and accelerating the pace at which organisational change can be brought about. The authority has started consulting with staff on this matter and the Executive will be asked to consider the matter after the forthcoming elections.




·         GAGS Shaping paper - 18th November, 2004

·         Funding position statement - 28th February, 2005



Contact Point:             David Price, Head of Organisational Development ( 823502

e-mail : [email protected] 







Deputy Leader











E-enabling council services is an open ended task and ongoing work will be required as customer and service requirements evolve. However the project will be considered complete from a GAGS point of view when the authority has fully e-enabled all of the ODPM priority areas and all relevant items on the ESD toolkit process list.


Enabling Projects



The project is responsible for developing and rolling out the CRM system to the call centre, the website, the corporate help centres and other front and back office service points. The system will require continued development and support over its lifetime but the project will be considered complete from a GAGS point of view when the system has been rolled out to all customer facing services, when all services are capable of using it to record and track enquiries from the public and when all back end systems are directly or indirectly integrated with the system.


Call centre

The project is responsible for developing the corporate call centre and increasing the number of enquiries which can be resolved by that means at the point of first contact. The call centre is expected to grow organically over several years and it is difficult to predict the future direction, particularly with regard to the provision of services for other agencies. The project will be considered complete from the GAGS point of view once the Symposium call handling system has been implemented and once general enquiry calls for all council services are being routed through the corporate call centre.



The project will roll out scanning and retrieval using the DIP system across the authority. The project will be complete when all areas which require it have DIP and when the project has generated sufficient benefits to pay for itself as per the business case.

Website development

The project is responsible for the continuing development of the council’s award winning website to meet e-government and other requirements. Although the project will require ongoing development and maintenance, the project will be considered complete from the GAGS point of view once all of the council’s services have been e-enabled through the website.



The project is developing a business case for the implementation of procurement cards, use of the IDeA marketplace and the purchase of an e-procurement system. It is also taking into account the need to replace the Wealdon cash receipting system and other financial systems. The project is only funded up to the production of a Full Business Case and the project will be considered complete at that point. 


A separate project outside of GAGS will be implemented if the business case is self financing or if additional resources are made available.

BS:7799 / business continuity

The project is responsible for the appointment of a specialist officer who will develop a business case for an ICT disaster recovery / business continuity solution and who will also develop a project plan for the achievement of BS:7799 ICT security accreditation. The project will be considered complete from a GAGS point of view when a Full Business Case for business continuity has been drafted and the authority is formally accredited to the BS:7799 standard.


Implementation of a disaster recover / business continuity solution requires additional funding and a contingency provision has been made for this. A separate project outside of GAGS will be implemented if the business case is supported with the necessary funding.


ICT operational requirements

Some of the strategic development funding for GAGS has been used to develop and maintain the core ICT infrastructure of the authority. With two exceptions, this work is complete although the ongoing revenue consequences of several pieces of work will continue to be funded through the GAGS budget.


The two outstanding items are the upgrade to the Outlook system which has reached the end of its useful life and the need to implement a corporate report writing system to enable the effective sharing of information from corporate and service systems. This project will be considered complete when these two systems have been implemented.


Organisational Change






Common standards

The project is responsible through the front office working group for developing and implementing a common set of customer care standards across the authority. This work will continue to evolve with the front office working group evolving into a Customer Service Development Group that will continually look at the way we deliver our services will be considered complete as a project when the following have been agreed and are embedded in the organisation:


·         Customer service strategy / access strategy

·         Help centres development strategy

·         Customer charter

·         Customer standards

·         Performance management processes

·         NVQ based customer care training programme


Call resolution

The project is responsible for the development of customer care practices across the organisation and the development of new ways of working to ensure that as many enquiries as possible are resolved at the point of first contact. Work in this area will continue over a number of years but from a GAGS point of view, the project will be considered complete when 80% of the total number of enquiries received by the organisation are regularly being resolved at the point of first contact.