Variation to the

Service Level Agreement


The Isle of Wight Council


Relate Solent

2002 – 2005

Variation to the Service Level Agreement between the Isle Of Wight Council and Relate Solent, 2002 – 2005.

1.        Period of Variation

1.1      This variation is in respect of the period 1st April, 2003 to 31st March, 2005.

2.        Enhancement to Service

2.1      Option 1


Recruitment of an additional counsellor will necessitate an increase in the grant of £2,100 over two years. This will allow us to provide 100 additional hours in the venues currently used, increasing counselling hours to 600 during 2003/04.


Coupled with this is the opportunity to offer the service at an additional venue on the Island, possibly in the southeast. An additional venue will increase the accessibility of the service and allow the current workforce to increase the number of hours they work, if they so wish.


The cost of this option will include an element for rental of premises for an additional venue which will be ongoing, but may be slightly offset by an anticipated increase in client income.

2.2      Option 2


Take up of this option will ensure the provision of an education and training service on the Island, including open access courses such as ‘New Life New Challenge’ and ‘Taking Charge of Your Life’. Anger Management and Stress Management courses can also be provided for the general public or tailor-made to organisations’ requirements. Other bespoke training can be arranged, particularly courses for schools, colleges and prisons etc.


The cost of providing this service is £4,000 over two years. It is hoped that this service will only need limited further support to become self-financing on an ongoing basis.


3.Amendments and Additions:

Schedule 3 to the Agreement – Targets for the Service

3.1      Option 1


Amend Paragraph 1.1.2 to read:


Relate Solent will plan resources to offer 600 counselling/psychosexual therapy sessions per annum across Newport, Ryde and other venues where possible.

           3.2Option 2

           Add the following:


Paragraph 1.1.8


Relate Solent will plan resources to offer at least 2 open access life skills courses each year for a minimum of 12 people.

           Paragraph 1.1.9


Relate Solent will offer relationship and life skills courses and workshops, particularly in community groups and schools.

4.        Amendments and Additions:

           Appendix 1 – Payment for the Service

4.1      Option 1

           Add the following:

           Additional Costs                                            2003/04          2004/05

           Recruitment and training of counsellor          £1,250                        £850

4.2      Option 2

           Add the following:

           Additional Costs                                            2003/04          2004/05

           Recruitment and training of counsellor 

           Recruitment and training of trainer

           Provision of courses                                      £3,250                        £2,850

5.        Amendments and Additions:

           Appendix 2 – Staffing Structure

5.1      Option 1

           Amend            15 counsellors (part time) – 3 Island based

           to read                        18 counsellors (part time) – 4 Island based

5.2      Option 2

           Amend                        15 counsellors (part time) – 3 Island based

           to read                        18 counsellors (part time) – 4 Island based

           and add          1 Training Development Manager and 3 trainers – 1 island based

6.        Amendments and Additions:

           Appendix 3 – Proposed Income

           Add the following:

6.1      Option 1

           Proposed Income                                                      2003/04 (£)

           Isle of Wight Council (Central and SSD)                    10,250

           Town and Parish Councils                                          100

           Client Income                                                             8,450

           Donations                                                                   200

           Miscellaneous                                                            50

           TOTAL                                                                       19,050

6.2      Option 2

           Proposed Income                                                      2003/04 (£)

           Isle of Wight Council (Central and SSD)                    12,250

           Town and Parish Councils                                          100

           Client Income                                                             9,050

           Donations                                                                   200

           Miscellaneous                                                            50

           TOTAL                                                                       21,650

Certification that the foregoing is a correct record of the agreement reached between the parties for the grant:


For the Isle of Wight CouncilFor Relate Solent






Position: Position:

