Isle of Wight Council Forward Plan – April 2004 to July 2004


The Forward Plan is a list of all matters that are due to be considered by the Executive over the next four months.  This will be updated each month.


Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Decision Maker

Consultees and when Consultation is to Take Place

Consultation Method

Background papers and Relevant Documents

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for change from last Forward Plan


Anticipated date of the decision 21 April 2004








To adopt a revised scheme of delegations in relation to Executive functions



To be advised

No external consultees, Senior Management Team, Members. Meetings and Correspondence



John Lawson 823207

Mrs S Smart


New Entry

To approve the Annual Action Statement

Executive and then Council

All Directors and Heads of Service

Meetings and Correspondence

Annual Action Statement 2003/4, CPA Improvement Plan, Peer Review Improvement Plan, District Audit Annual Letter


Tony Geeson 823291

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader


New Entry


Anticipated date of the decision 19 May 2004








Quarterly Performance Management Update (4)


Directors Group, Heads of Service, Portfolio Holders

Meetings and Correspondence

Performance Indicators, Action Plans, Best Value Statistics


Heidi Marshall 823250

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader





No items were removed from the last published version of the Forward Plan.