Appendix 2
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of February 2004
Description Revised Expenditure Commitment Total Budget  
  Budget     Spend/Committed Left  
Internal Fees - Property Services 234,736 234,736 0 234,736 0 Anticipated Capitalised Salaries 2003-04
Medina Centre - Replace Curtain Walls 10,000 8,793 1,200 9,993 7 Works nearing completion
Cowes Resource Centre Replace Gutters/Pipes 5,504 2,586 2,188 4,774 730 Works nearing completion
Capital Strategy 48,141 18,985 32,480 51,465 -3,324 Expenditure relates to investment in ICT systems to further progress the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan.
Planned Maintenance 203,532 187,551 25,733 213,284 -9,752 Expenditure on schemes progressing in accordance to plan
Northwood House - Essential Works 37,050 705 8,116 8,821 28,229 Northwood House Trust expenditure chargeable to Trust Account
Accommodation Review - Museum Workshop 0 1,614 202 1,816 -1,816 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Coastal Management - Salisbury Gardens 0 4,244 0 4,244 -4,244 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Accommodation Review - Training Centre/Wightcare 0 432 0 432 -432 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Accommodation Review - Library Headquarters 0 24,024 0 24,024 -24,024 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Accommodation Review - Langley Court 0 281 0 281 -281 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Accommodation Review - Committee Support 0 33,401 0 33,401 -33,401 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Unit 4 & 5 Mariners Way, Somerton, Cowes 0 704,229 100 704,329 -704,329 To be funded under the Accommodation Review - includes £486k acquisition costs
Accommodation Review - Planning Unit 0 1,190 270 1,460 -1,460 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Accommodation Review - Enterprise House 0 2,196 0 2,196 -2,196 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
Investigative Works adj to County Hall 0 0 4,450 4,450 -4,450 To be funded under the Accommodation Review
St Marys Road Car Park - Cowes 0 500 4,308 4,808 -4,808 Public consultation costs in connection with potential future capital receipt
Refurbishment of Bungalow (Surestart) -19,059 -28,163 206 -27,957 8,898 Funded by grant based on expenditure
Ryde Marina Bowls Club 0 74,682 0 74,682 -74,682 Funded from Lottery grant
Refurbishment of Puckpool Park Lodge 0 56,035 0 56,035 -56,035 Urgent Health & Safety requirement, scheme now complete
Management of Asbestos 50,000 41,729 150 41,879 8,121 Scheme requires on-going survey of all Council owned property, now in progress
Disability Discrimination Act 176,295 62,086 84,435 146,521 29,774 Needs audit completed. Stage 1 - 'Access to and through front door' schemes now nearing completion
Upgrade of Hot & Cold Water Supplies 25,000 4,879 17,595 22,474 2,526 Residential Homes - five surveys received and a further five surveys pending
Capitalised Salaries - Legal Services 48,310 38,338 0 38,338 9,972 Anticipated Capitalised Salaries 2003-04